allocators.hpp [code] | Several different optimized memory allocation templates |
Apriori.hpp [code] | This class implements the APRIORI algorithm |
apriori/AprioriSelector.hpp [code] | This class processes some program argument of main-fsm.cpp, initializes some classes, and selects the Apriori algorithm to run |
test/apriori/bodon/AprioriSelector.hpp [code] | |
AprioriSelector2.hpp [code] | |
BinaryDFOutput.hpp [code] | A DF style output manager that writes the output in binary form |
BinaryNormalDecoder.hpp [code] | A normal decoder and output manager that writes the output in binary form |
brBufferedTransactionReader.hpp [code] | Another buffered transaction reader, taken from bracz's FIMI04 code |
BufferedNormalOutput.hpp [code] | A simple Output manager that use buffering |
BufferedOutput.hpp [code] | An abstract class for output managers that use buffering for the sake of efficient outputting the results |
BufferedTransactionReader.hpp [code] | This is the parent class of TransactionReader classes that use buffer |
buildfptree.hpp [code] | Interface and implementation of buildable fp trees |
BuildTreeDBCache.hpp [code] | |
CacheDecoderBase.hpp [code] | |
CacheDFDecoder.hpp [code] | |
CacheDFDecoder_Test.cpp [code] | |
CacheNormalDecoder.hpp [code] | |
dynamic_trie/trie_manipulators/CandGenInfreqRemoveNopruneMerge.hpp [code] | |
inhomogeneous_trie/trie_manipulators/CandGenInfreqRemoveNopruneMerge.hpp [code] | |
inhomogeneous_trie/trie_manipulators/sequence/CandGenInfreqRemoveNopruneMerge.hpp [code] | |
trie/trie_manipulators/CandGenInfreqRemoveNopruneMerge.hpp [code] | |
trie/trie_manipulators/sequence/CandGenInfreqRemoveNopruneMerge.hpp [code] | |
candGenTester.cpp [code] | |
dynamic_trie/trie_manipulators/CandidateGeneratorNoprune.hpp [code] | |
inhomogeneous_trie/trie_manipulators/CandidateGeneratorNoprune.hpp [code] | |
inhomogeneous_trie/trie_manipulators/sequence/CandidateGeneratorNoprune.hpp [code] | |
trie/trie_manipulators/CandidateGeneratorNoprune.hpp [code] | |
trie/trie_manipulators/sequence/CandidateGeneratorNoprune.hpp [code] | |
prefixarray/CandidateGeneratorNoprune.hpp [code] | |
vector/CandidateGeneratorNoprune.hpp [code] | |
dynamic_trie/trie_manipulators/CandidateGeneratorPrune.hpp [code] | |
inhomogeneous_trie/trie_manipulators/CandidateGeneratorPrune.hpp [code] | |
inhomogeneous_trie/trie_manipulators/sequence/CandidateGeneratorPrune.hpp [code] | |
trie/trie_manipulators/CandidateGeneratorPrune.hpp [code] | |
trie/trie_manipulators/sequence/CandidateGeneratorPrune.hpp [code] | |
CandidateGeneratorSimplePrune.hpp [code] | |
canonicate-input.cpp [code] | |
classicfp.cpp [code] | Implementation of classic structure for FP-Growth core |
classicrebuildfp.cpp [code] | Implementation of classic structure for FP-Growth core |
Coder.hpp [code] | This class assigns 0,1,... new values (codes) to the frequent items |
commandline.cpp [code] | |
commandline.hpp [code] | |
common.hpp [code] | |
core.cpp [code] | Core recursion for pattern-space depth-first-search algorithms, like fp-growth |
Counter.hpp [code] | |
dbcache.cpp [code] | |
DBCache.hpp [code] | This is the interface class of a database cacher |
DBCacheTester.cpp [code] | |
DBCacheTester.hpp [code] | |
DBCacheTransactionShrinker.hpp [code] | This is the interface class of a database cacher, which enables transcation shrinking |
deadend.cpp [code] | |
debug.hpp [code] | |
decoder-tester.cpp [code] | |
DecoderBase.hpp [code] | This is an interface of decoder classes, |
DecoderOutputTester.cpp [code] | |
DecoderOutputTester.hpp [code] | |
DFDecoderWithEEManagement.hpp [code] | |
DFDecoderWithEEManagement_Test.cpp [code] | |
DFDecoderWithEEManagement_Test2.cpp [code] | |
DFDecoderWrapper.hpp [code] | A DF style decoder that calls an ordinary DF style output manager |
DoubleRepr.hpp [code] | |
eclat.hpp [code] | |
Edge.hpp [code] | |
Edgelist.hpp [code] | |
EdgeListBase.hpp [code] | |
example_output.cpp [code] | Simple example program to show how to use output classes |
FattenableLeaf.hpp [code] | |
FDRepr.hpp [code] | |
features.hpp [code] | |
FILERepr.hpp [code] | |
FileReprBase.hpp [code] | |
findLeafRepresentation.cpp [code] | |
findThreshold.cpp [code] | |
Formatter.hpp [code] | |
FPGrowthSelector.hpp [code] | |
Frequent2Filter.cpp [code] | |
Frequent2FilterOnline.cpp [code] | |
FrequentFilter.cpp [code] | |
dynamic_trie/trie_manipulators/FrequentItemInserter.hpp [code] | |
trie/trie_manipulators/FrequentItemInserter.hpp [code] | |
vector/FrequentItemInserter.hpp [code] | |
dynamic_trie/trie_manipulators/FrequentPairInserter.hpp [code] | |
trie/trie_manipulators/FrequentPairInserter.hpp [code] | |
dynamic_trie/trie_manipulators/FrequentPairInserterNoprune.hpp [code] | |
inhomogeneous_trie/trie_manipulators/sequence/FrequentPairInserterNoprune.hpp [code] | |
trie/trie_manipulators/FrequentPairInserterNoprune.hpp [code] | |
trie/trie_manipulators/sequence/FrequentPairInserterNoprune.hpp [code] | |
prefixarray/FrequentPairInserterNoprune.hpp [code] | |
vector/FrequentPairInserterNoprune.hpp [code] | |
GeneralSupportCounterInterface.hpp [code] | Interface for a general support counters of Apriori |
independence.cpp [code] | |
IndexVector.hpp [code] | |
dynamic_trie/trie_manipulators/InfreqRemover.hpp [code] | |
inhomogeneous_trie/trie_manipulators/InfreqRemover.hpp [code] | |
trie/trie_manipulators/InfreqRemover.hpp [code] | |
InfreqRemover_AssocRuleGen.hpp [code] | |
InfreqRemoverOrderPresAssumption.hpp [code] | |
bodon-prefixarray/InfrequentRemover.hpp [code] | |
bodon-vector/InfrequentRemover.hpp [code] | |
InnerNodeSpecific.hpp [code] | |
input-tester.cpp [code] | |
InputreaderTester.cpp [code] | |
InputreaderTester.hpp [code] | |
dynamic_trie/trie_manipulators/IntersectProPruner.hpp [code] | |
inhomogeneous_trie/trie_manipulators/IntersectProPruner.hpp [code] | |
inhomogeneous_trie/trie_manipulators/sequence/IntersectProPruner.hpp [code] | |
trie/trie_manipulators/IntersectProPruner.hpp [code] | |
trie/trie_manipulators/sequence/IntersectProPruner.hpp [code] | |
LBufferedTransactionReader.hpp [code] | |
Leaf.hpp [code] | Leaf of the tries that stores the minimum data, i.e. a counter |
LeafRepresentationSelector.hpp [code] | |
LeafWithoutConstructor.hpp [code] | Leaf of the tries that but constructor is not added to the class |
LightVector.hpp [code] | |
LightVector_set_difference_Test.cpp [code] | |
LightVector_set_intersection.hpp [code] | |
LightVector_set_intersection_Test.cpp [code] | |
LightVector_STL_set_difference_Test.cpp [code] | |
LightVector_Test.cpp [code] | |
linmap.cpp [code] | An associative container with map-like semantics using unsorted array |
main-apriori-simple.cpp [code] | A simple Apriori implementation |
main-assoc-rule.cpp [code] | Association rule miner that employs Apriori to mine frequent itemsets |
main-fsm.cpp [code] | The main function of frequent itemsequence mining algorithms |
eclat/main.cpp [code] | |
main.cpp [code] | |
test/apriori/bodon-vector/main.cpp [code] | |
inhomogeneous_trie/trie_manipulators/ManipulatorBase.hpp [code] | |
trie/trie_manipulators/ManipulatorBase.hpp [code] | |
MapRepr.hpp [code] | |
maxvector.cpp [code] | A back-insertion sequence container with fixed maximum size |
maxvector.hpp [code] | A back-insertion sequence container with fixed maximum size |
NonOptDFOutput.hpp [code] | A DF style output manager that does not write anything, only keeps the compiler from optimizing away output routines |
nonordfp.cpp [code] | Implementation of 'nonordfp' structure for FP-Growth core |
NoOutput.hpp [code] | |
NotRealDecoder.hpp [code] | |
OffsetIndexVector.hpp [code] | |
OneByOneSupportCounter.hpp [code] | OnyByOneSupportCounter treats transactions individually, i.e. it reads the transactions one by one and calls the support count method for each of them |
OneByOneSupportCounterANDTransactionFiltering.hpp [code] | |
OrderedArrayDBCache.hpp [code] | |
OrderedEdgelist.hpp [code] | |
OrderedEdgelistDynLookup.hpp [code] | |
OrderedVectorDBCache.hpp [code] | |
orderPresAssumptionRatio.cpp [code] | |
OrderReverser.hpp [code] | |
output-tester.cpp [code] | |
OutputBase.hpp [code] | This class represents the interface of output managers. buffering for the sake of efficient outputting the results |
PrefixArrayList.hpp [code] | |
PrefixArrayListDBCache.hpp [code] | |
RBTreeDBCache.hpp [code] | |
RBTreeDBCacheInsertThenDestroyBase.hpp [code] | |
RBTreeDBCacheInsertThenDestroyPro.hpp [code] | |
RBTreeDBCacheInsertThenDestroySimple.hpp [code] | An efficient database cacher that enables transaction shrinking |
RBTreeDBCacheSimultaneous.hpp [code] | |
routing.cpp [code] | |
RoutingSelector.hpp [code] | |
SeqAprioriSelector.hpp [code] | This class processes some program argument of main-fsm.cpp, initializes some classes, and selects the Apriori algorithm to run |
SeqFrequent2Filter.cpp [code] | |
SeqFrequentFilter.cpp [code] | |
set_difference.hpp [code] | |
SimpleAssocRuleWriter.hpp [code] | |
SimpleBufferedDFDecoder.hpp [code] | |
SimpleDecoderBase.hpp [code] | |
SimpleDFDecoder.hpp [code] | |
SimpleNormalDecoder.hpp [code] | |
SimpleOutput.hpp [code] | |
SimpleOutputTester.cpp [code] | |
SimpleOutputTester.hpp [code] | The purpose of this class is to measure the effect of buffering in outputting the results, and the effect of the differrent file representation |
dynamic_trie/trie_manipulators/SimplePruner.hpp [code] | |
inhomogeneous_trie/trie_manipulators/sequence/SimplePruner.hpp [code] | |
inhomogeneous_trie/trie_manipulators/SimplePruner.hpp [code] | |
trie/trie_manipulators/sequence/SimplePruner.hpp [code] | |
trie/trie_manipulators/SimplePruner.hpp [code] | |
SimpleTransactionReader.hpp [code] | |
SortedTransactionReader.hpp [code] | |
SortOutput.hpp [code] | |
SparseBitmatrix.cpp [code] | |
SparseBitmatrix.hpp [code] | |
SparseBitmatrix_create.hpp [code] | |
SparseBitmatrix_intersection.hpp [code] | |
SparseBitmatrix_setdifference.cpp [code] | |
SparseBitmatrix_setdifference.hpp [code] | |
SparseBitvector.cpp [code] | |
SparseBitvector.hpp [code] | |
SparseBitvector_intersection.hpp [code] | |
SparseBitvector_setdifference.hpp [code] | |
SparseBitvector_Test.cpp [code] | |
StatCoder.hpp [code] | |
StatInput.hpp [code] | |
StatOutput.hpp [code] | An output manager class that collects some statistics about the distribution of frequent itemsets |
StatSupportCounterMerge.hpp [code] | |
StreamParser.hpp [code] | |
StreamRepr.hpp [code] | |
dynamic_trie/trie_manipulators/SupportCounter.hpp [code] | |
prefixarray/SupportCounter.hpp [code] | |
vector/SupportCounter.hpp [code] | |
SupportCounterFilter.hpp [code] | |
SupportCounterHybridSimple.hpp [code] | |
bodon/SupportCounterInterface.hpp [code] | This is an interface of a support counter, whose task is to increment the counters of those candidates that are included in the given transaction |
SupportCounterInterface.hpp [code] | Interface for support counters of Apriori |
SupportCounterIterArray.hpp [code] | |
sequence/support_counter/SupportCounterLookupEdge.hpp [code] | This is a support counter (i.e. it implements SupportCounterInterface), which takes the elements of the transactions one-by-one and checks if there exists an edge with such label |
support_counter/SupportCounterLookupEdge.hpp [code] | |
SupportCounterLookupEdgeCommute.hpp [code] | |
SupportCounterLookupEdgePrevMem.hpp [code] | |
SupportCounterLookupSeq.hpp [code] | This is a support counter (i.e. it implements SupportCounterInterface), which takes the edges one-by-one and checks if there exists an element of the transaction which is equal to the label of the edge. If match is found then the reamining transaction items are ignored, and the carry on with the next edge and the first transaction item |
SupportCounterLookupTrans.hpp [code] | |
SupportCounterLookupTransLinBin.hpp [code] | |
SupportCounterLookupTransOffsetBitVec.hpp [code] | |
SupportCounterLookupTransOffsetIndex.hpp [code] | |
sequence/support_counter/SupportCounterMerge.hpp [code] | |
support_counter/SupportCounterMerge.hpp [code] | |
SupportCounterMerge2.hpp [code] | |
SupportCounterMergeTries.hpp [code] | |
ThresholdSelector.hpp [code] | |
tr_cache.cpp [code] | |
TransactionReader.hpp [code] | This is the interface class of a transaction reader |
Trie.hpp [code] | |
TrieBase.hpp [code] | |
TrieDBCache.hpp [code] | |
TrieNEE.hpp [code] | |
trieSizeInfluence.cpp [code] | |
validate.cpp [code] | |
vector_set_difference_Test.cpp [code] | |
vector_typedef.hpp [code] | |
WeightedSupportCounterLookupSeq.hpp [code] | This is a weighted support counter (i.e. it implements SupportCounterInterface), which takes the edges one-by-one and checks if there exists an element of the transaction which is equal to the label of the edge |