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00021 #ifndef Coder_HPP
00022 #define Coder_HPP
00024 #include "common.hpp"
00025 #include <vector>
00026 #include <set>
00027 #include "io/input/transaction_reader/brBufferedTransactionReader.hpp"
00028 #include "io/codec/decoder/df/CacheDFDecoder.hpp"
00030 enum CodeMode
00031 {
00033    ASC,
00035    DESC,
00037    NOCARE
00038 };
00040 template <class T_R, class D>
00041 class Coder : public T_R
00042 {
00043    public:
00044       class params_t : public T_R::params_t
00045       {
00046          public:
00047             D* decoder;
00048             std::vector< std::pair<counter_t, item_t> >* 
00049             freq_items_with_counters;
00050             std::vector<counter_t>* freq_counters;
00051             CodeMode codemode;
00052             params_t()
00053             {
00054                decoder = NULL;
00055                freq_items_with_counters = NULL;
00056                freq_counters = new std::vector<counter_t>();
00057                codemode = NOCARE;
00058             }
00059             ~params_t()
00060             {
00061                delete freq_counters;
00062             }
00063       };
00065       Coder(const params_t* par);
00066       template <class BIS> counter_t nextTransactionBIS( BIS& transaction );
00067       template <class UAC> counter_t nextTransactionUAC( UAC& transaction );
00069    protected:
00075       std::vector<item_t> code;
00076 };
00078 template <class T_R, class D> Coder<T_R, D>::
00079 Coder(const params_t* par) : T_R(par)
00080 {
00081    code.reserve( T_R::getLargestItem() + 1 );
00082    code.resize( T_R::getLargestItem() + 1, 0 );
00083    if( par->codemode != NOCARE )
00084    {
00085       sort( par->freq_items_with_counters->begin(),
00086             par->freq_items_with_counters->end() );
00087       if( par->codemode == DESC)
00088          reverse( par->freq_items_with_counters->begin(),
00089                   par->freq_items_with_counters->end() );
00090    }
00091    par->freq_counters->reserve( par->freq_items_with_counters->size() );
00092    std::vector<item_t> code_inverse;
00093    code_inverse.reserve(par->freq_items_with_counters->size());
00094    std::vector< std::pair<counter_t, item_t> >::size_type index;
00095    for( index = 0; index < par->freq_items_with_counters->size(); ++index )
00096    {
00097       code_inverse.push_back( (*par->freq_items_with_counters)
00098                               [index].second );
00099       par->freq_counters->push_back( 
00100          (*par->freq_items_with_counters)[index].first );
00101       code[(*par->freq_items_with_counters)[index].second] = index+1;
00102    }
00103    par->decoder->setCodeInverse(code_inverse);
00104    T_R::largest_item = par->freq_items_with_counters->size() - 1;
00105 }
00107 template <class T_R, class D> template <class BIS> inline counter_t 
00108 Coder<T_R, D>::nextTransactionBIS( BIS& transaction )
00109 {
00110    counter_t return_value = T_R::nextTransactionBIS(transaction);
00111    TYPENAME BIS::iterator it1,it2;
00112    it1 = it2 = transaction.begin();
00113    while( it1 != transaction.end() )
00114    {
00115       register item_t new_code = code[*it1];
00116       if(new_code) 
00117       {
00118          *it2 = new_code - 1;
00119          ++it2;
00120       }
00121       ++it1;
00122    }
00123    transaction.erase(it2, transaction.end());
00124    return return_value;
00125 }
00127 template <class T_R, class D> template <class UAC> inline counter_t 
00128 Coder<T_R, D>::nextTransactionUAC( UAC& transaction )
00129 {
00130    std::set<item_t> raw_transaction;
00131    counter_t return_value = T_R::nextTransactionUAC(raw_transaction);
00132    if(return_value)
00133    {
00135       transaction.clear();
00136       for( std::set<item_t>::iterator it = raw_transaction.begin(); 
00137            it != raw_transaction.end(); ++it )
00138          if( code[*it] ) transaction.insert( code[*it]-1 );
00139    }
00140    return return_value;
00141 }
00143 #endif

Generated on Sun Sep 17 17:50:38 2006 for FIM environment by  doxygen 1.4.4