bracz::AbstractBuildTree | |
bracz::AbstractBuildTree::buildtree_t | |
bracz::AbstractBuildTree::node_t | |
bracz::AbstractBuildTree::nodeiter_t | |
bracz::AbstractBuildTree::nodeptr_t | |
Apriori< C, D, MAIN_DATA_STRUCTURE, SEC_DATA_STRUCTURE, FII, FPI, CG, IR, SUPP_C > | This class implements the APRIORI algorithm |
AprioriSelector< MAIN_DATA_STRUCTURE, SEC_DATA_STRUCTURE, LEAF_WC, CODER, F2F, SUPP_C, T_R, DF_D, NEE > | This class processes some program argument of main-fsm.cpp, initializes some classes, and selects the Apriori algorithm to run |
AprioriSelector2< TRIE_OEL, TRIE_OI, LEAF_WC, T_R, DF_D, NEE > | |
BadConversion | An exception that is thrown when bad conversion occurs |
BinaryDFOutput< WO > | A DF style output manager that writes the output in binary form |
bracz::bnode_t | Trie that supports (re)build |
brBufferedTransactionReader< T_R > | Another buffered transaction reader, taken from bracz's FIMI04 code |
BufferedNormalOutput< FR > | A simple BufferedOutput manager |
BufferedOutput< FR > | |
BufferedOutput< FR >::params_t | |
BufferedTransactionReader< T_R > | |
BufferedTransactionReader< T_R >::params_t | |
bracz::BuildTreeDBCache< T_R, BIS, BuildTree, ENDONLY, SORT_NEEDED > | |
CacheDecoderBase< FR > | This decoder class stores the string representation of the original codes |
CacheDFDecoder< FR > | A very fast stack-based decoder |
CacheDFDecoder< FR >::params_t | |
CacheNormalDecoder< FR > | |
Bodon::trie::CandGenInfreqRemoveNopruneMerge< DF_D, TRIE, NEE > | |
Bodon::sequence::CandGenInfreqRemoveNopruneMerge< DF_D, TRIE > | |
Bodon::sequence::inhomogeneous_trie::CandGenInfreqRemoveNopruneMerge< DF_D, TRIE, LEAF, LEAF_ALLOCATOR > | |
Bodon::dynamic_trie::CandGenInfreqRemoveNopruneMerge< DF_D, TRIE_OEL, TRIE_OI, LEAF, LEAF_ALLOCATOR, NEE > | |
Bodon::inhomogeneous_trie::CandGenInfreqRemoveNopruneMerge< DF_D, TRIE, LEAF, LEAF_ALLOCATOR, NEE > | |
Bodon::dynamic_trie::CandidateGeneratorNoprune< DF_D, TRIE_OEL, TRIE_OI, LEAF, LEAF_ALLOCATOR, NEE > | |
Bodon::inhomogeneous_trie::CandidateGeneratorNoprune< DF_D, TRIE, LEAF, LEAF_ALLOCATOR, NEE > | |
Bodon::prefix_array::CandidateGeneratorNoprune< DATASTRUCTURE, D, DUMMY > | |
Bodon::trie::CandidateGeneratorNoprune< DF_D, TRIE, NEE > | |
Bodon::vector_based::CandidateGeneratorNoprune< D, DUMMY > | |
Bodon::sequence::CandidateGeneratorNoprune< DF_D, TRIE > | |
Bodon::sequence::inhomogeneous_trie::CandidateGeneratorNoprune< DF_D, TRIE, LEAF, LEAF_ALLOCATOR > | |
Bodon::inhomogeneous_trie::CandidateGeneratorPrune< P, DF_D, TRIE, LEAF_ALLOCATOR, NEE, DEADENDPRUNE > | |
Bodon::CandidateGeneratorPrune< P, DF_D, TRIE, TRIE_ALLOCATOR, NEE > | |
Bodon::dynamic_trie::CandidateGeneratorPrune< P, DF_D, TRIE_OEL, TRIE_OI, LEAF, LEAF_ALLOCATOR, NEE > | |
Bodon::sequence::CandidateGeneratorPrune< P, DF_D, TRIE > | |
Bodon::sequence::inhomogeneous_trie::CandidateGeneratorPrune< P, DF_D, TRIE, LEAF, LEAF_ALLOCATOR > | |
Bodon::vector_based::CandidateGeneratorSimplePrune< D, DUMMY > | |
bracz::ClassicFPStructure< INPUT, BUILDTREE, FIRSTLEVEL, TD, SINGLE > | INPUT must return sotred transactions |
bracz::ClassicFPStructure< INPUT, BUILDTREE, FIRSTLEVEL, TD, SINGLE >::fptree_t | Holds the entire trie |
bracz::ClassicFPStructure< INPUT, BUILDTREE, FIRSTLEVEL, TD, SINGLE >::SinglePathIterator | |
bracz::ClassicRebuildFPStructure< INPUT, FIRSTLEVEL, SINGLE > | |
bracz::ClassicRebuildFPStructure< INPUT, FIRSTLEVEL, SINGLE >::fptree_t | Holds the entire trie |
bracz::ClassicRebuildFPStructure< INPUT, FIRSTLEVEL, SINGLE >::SinglePathIterator | |
Coder< T_R, D > | |
Coder< T_R, D >::params_t | |
Counter | |
DBCache< T_R > | This is the interface class of a database cacher |
DBCacheTester | |
DBCacheTransactionShrinker | This is the interface class of a database cacher, which enables transcation shrinking |
DecoderBase< O > | |
DecoderOutputTester | |
DFDecoderWithEEManagement< DF > | Writes patterns (itemsets plus support count) to disk |
DFDecoderWithEEManagement< DF >::EquisupportItemOutputIterator | An interface for writing equisupport items: |
bracz::DFDecoderWrapper< FR > | A DF style decoder that calls an ordinary DF style output manager |
Bodon::DoubleRepr< VECTOR_OL, VECTOR_OI > | |
Dummy | A class that does nothing |
Edge | This struct represent an edge |
Bodon::Edgelist< VECTOR > | This struct represent an edge of a Edgelist |
Edgelistbase | |
Edgelistbase::iterator | |
bracz::EndPatriciaBuildTree< ENDONLY > | |
bracz::EndPatriciaBuildTree< ENDONLY >::buildtree_t | |
bracz::EndPatriciaBuildTree< ENDONLY >::endnode_t | |
bracz::EndPatriciaBuildTree< ENDONLY >::internalnode_t | |
bracz::EndPatriciaBuildTree< ENDONLY >::node_t | |
bracz::EndPatriciaBuildTree< ENDONLY >::nodeiter_t | |
bracz::EndPatriciaBuildTree< ENDONLY >::nodeptr_t | |
bracz::EndPatriciaBuildTree< ENDONLY >::storenode_t | This is the node of an internal point |
Bodon::FattenableLeaf< VECTOR_SIZE > | |
FDRepr | The file descriptor based file representation |
FILERepr | The FILE*-based file representation |
FileReprBase | This class represents the base class of a file representation |
FileReprBase::params_t | The parameter class of the IO constructor |
FirstLevel_to_String< First > | |
FirstLevel_to_String< FLBuildAllL1Trees > | |
FirstLevel_to_String< FLBuildSingleTree > | |
FirstLevel_to_String< FLSimultProject > | |
Formatter | This class provides some basic int to string conversion methods |
bracz::FPGrowthBase< STRUCTURE, OUTPUT > | Template class arguments requirements: STRUCTURE: class/structure fptree_t getFullTree() getFrequency(fptree_t*, item_t) fptree_t * projectTree(fptree_t*, item_t) |
bracz::FPGrowthBase< STRUCTURE, OUTPUT >::tdrecurse_t | Data in the stack of the recursion |
FPGrowthSelector< T_R, DF_D > | |
FPGrowthSelector< T_R, DF_D >::Phase2< S_C, O_M, SINGLE, NEE > | |
FR | |
Frequent2Filter< IT_R > | This class finds the frequent pairs with the array technique |
Frequent2FilterOnline< IT_R > | This class finds the frequent pairs with the array technique |
FrequentFilter< IT_R > | This class determines the frequent items |
Bodon::FrequentItemInserter< DF_D, TRIE, NEE > | |
Bodon::vector_based::FrequentItemInserter< DATASTRUCTURE, D > | |
Bodon::dynamic_trie::FrequentItemInserter< DF_D, TRIE_OEL, NEE > | |
Bodon::FrequentPairInserter< DF_D, TRIE, LEAF, LEAF_ALLOCATOR, NEE > | |
Bodon::dynamic_trie::FrequentPairInserter< DF_D, TRIE_OEL, TRIE_OI, LEAF, LEAF_ALLOCATOR, NEE > | |
Bodon::vector_based::FrequentPairInserterNoprune< D, DUMMY > | |
Bodon::FrequentPairInserterNoprune< DF_D, TRIE, LEAF, LEAF_ALLOCATOR, NEE > | |
Bodon::dynamic_trie::FrequentPairInserterNoprune< DF_D, TRIE_OEL, TRIE_OI, LEAF, LEAF_ALLOCATOR, NEE > | |
Bodon::sequence::FrequentPairInserterNoprune< DF_D, TRIE, LEAF, LEAF_ALLOCATOR > | |
Bodon::sequence::FrequentPairInserterNoprune< DF_D, TRIE, LEAF, LEAF_ALLOCATOR > | |
Bodon::prefix_array::FrequentPairInserterNoprune< DATASTRUCTURE, D, DUMMY > | |
GeneralSupportCounterInterface< DATA_STRUCTURE, TR, SC > | Interface for a general support counters of Apriori |
Bodon::IndexVector | |
Bodon::IndexVector::iterator | |
Bodon::inhomogeneous_trie::InfreqRemover< DF_D, TRIE, LEAF, LEAF_ALLOCATOR, NEE, DEADENDPRUNE > | |
Bodon::dynamic_trie::InfreqRemover< DF_D, TRIE_OEL, TRIE_OI, LEAF, LEAF_ALLOCATOR, NEE > | |
Bodon::trie::InfreqRemover< DF_D, TRIE, TRIE_ALLOCATOR, NEE > | |
Bodon::inhomogeneous_trie::InfreqRemover_AssocRuleGen< DF_D, TRIE, LEAF, LEAF_ALLOCATOR, NEE, DEADENDPRUNE > | |
Bodon::inhomogeneous_trie::InfreqRemoverOrderPresAssumption< DF_D, TRIE, LEAF, LEAF_ALLOCATOR > | |
Bodon::prefix_array::InfrequentRemover< DATASTRUCTURE, D, DUMMY > | |
Bodon::vector_based::InfrequentRemover< D, DUMMY > | |
Bodon::InnerNodeSpecific< EDGELIST > | This struct represent an edge of a InnerNodeSpecific |
InputreaderTester | This class is for testing the input managers |
Bodon::dynamic_trie::IntersectProPruner< DF_D, TRIE_OEL, TRIE_OI, LEAF, LEAF_ALLOCATOR, NEE > | |
Bodon::IntersectProPruner< DF_D, TRIE, NEE > | |
Bodon::inhomogeneous_trie::IntersectProPruner< DF_D, TRIE, LEAF, LEAF_ALLOCATOR, NEE, DEADENDPRUNE > | |
Bodon::sequence::IntersectProPruner< DF_D, TRIE > | |
Bodon::sequence::inhomogeneous_trie::IntersectProPruner< DF_D, TRIE, LEAF, LEAF_ALLOCATOR > | |
itemvecCounterPair_less | |
itemvector | |
LBufferedTransactionReader< T_R > | |
Bodon::Leaf | Leaf of the tries that stores the minimum data, i.e |
LeafRepresentationSelector< TRIE, LEAF_WC, LEAF_ALLOCATOR, T_R, DF_D > | |
Bodon::LeafWithoutConstructor | Leaf of the tries that but constructor is not added to the class |
LightVector< TYPE > | A lightweight vector |
LightVector< TYPE >::const_iterator | |
LightVector< TYPE >::iterator | |
bracz::linmap< key, value > | An associative container with map-like semantics using unsorted array |
bracz::linmap< key, value >::iterator | |
LStatOutput< OUTPUT > | This class is a simplifies StatOutput, i.e |
Bodon::ManipulatorBase< DF_D, TRIE > | |
Bodon::inhomogeneous_trie::ManipulatorBase< DF_D, TRIE, LEAF_ALLOCATOR > | |
Bodon::MapRepr | This struct represent an edge of a MapRepr |
bracz::maxvector< T > | A back-insertion sequence container with fixed maximum size |
maxvector< T > | A back-insertion sequence container with fixed maximum size |
md5_ctx | |
NEE_to_String< NEE > | |
NEE_to_String< NEE_Full > | |
NEE_to_String< NEE_Level1 > | |
NEE_to_String< NEE_Off > | |
NewWrapperAlloc< T > | This is just a wrapper around the new and delete commands |
bracz::node_t | Single node of the trie |
bracz::NonOptDFOutput< FR > | A DF style output manager that does not write anything, only keeps the compiler from optimizing away output routines |
bracz::NonOrdFPStructure< INPUT, BUILDTREE, FIRSTLEVEL > | Requirements: INPUT must return sorted transactions |
bracz::NonOrdFPStructure< INPUT, BUILDTREE, FIRSTLEVEL >::fptree_t | |
bracz::NonOrdFPStructure< INPUT, BUILDTREE, FIRSTLEVEL >::SimultProject | |
bracz::NonOrdFPStructure< INPUT, BUILDTREE, FIRSTLEVEL >::SimultProject::counterAddCombine | |
bracz::NonOrdFPStructure< INPUT, BUILDTREE, FIRSTLEVEL >::SimultProject::itemlist_t< T, CombineFn > | |
bracz::NonOrdFPStructure< INPUT, BUILDTREE, FIRSTLEVEL >::SimultProject::itemlist_t< T, CombineFn >::iterator | |
bracz::NonOrdFPStructure< INPUT, BUILDTREE, FIRSTLEVEL >::SimultProject::simultprojnode_t | |
bracz::NonOrdFPStructure< INPUT, BUILDTREE, FIRSTLEVEL >::SimultProject::temptrie_t | |
bracz::NonOrdFPStructure< INPUT, BUILDTREE, FIRSTLEVEL >::TreeAnnotation | This class is to keep the necessary annotations along the build fp tree so that it will be copyable into a final (nonord) fp tree |
bracz::NonOrdFPStructure< INPUT, BUILDTREE, FIRSTLEVEL >::TreeCopy | A class encapsulating data elements and recursion for copying a build fp tree into the final tree structure |
NoOutput< ISDFO, FR > | This class represents a very simple OutputBase |
NotRealDecoder< FR > | This class is used in tests when a decoder is needed, however we want it nothing to do ;) For example in tester/CacheDBTester.hpp |
bracz::nullTreeAnn | |
Bodon::OffsetIndexVector< VECTOR > | This struct represent an edge of a OffsetIndexVector |
Bodon::OffsetIndexVector< VECTOR >::const_iterator | |
Bodon::OffsetIndexVector< VECTOR >::iterator | |
OneByOneSupportCounter< DATA_STRUCTURE, TR, SC > | OnyByOneSupportCounter treats transactions individually, i.e |
OneByOneSupportCounterANDTransactionFiltering< DATA_STRUCTURE, TR, SC > | OnyByOneSupportCounterANDTransactionFiltering treats transactions individually, i.e |
OrderedArrayDBCache< T_R, BIS > | This class stores the filtered transaction in a vector of ordered vectors |
Bodon::OrderedEdgelist< VECTOR > | |
Bodon::OrderedEdgelistDynLookup< VECTOR, THRESHOLD > | This struct represent an edge of a OrderedEdgelistDynLookup |
OrderedVectorDBCache< T_R, BIS > | This class stores the filtered transactions in an ordered vector |
OrderReverser< T_R > | This wrapper class reverses the order of the transactions that are obtained from a transaction reader |
OutputBase< FR > | |
PrefixArrayList< THRESHOLD > | |
PrefixArrayListDBCache< T_R, THRESHOLD > | |
Bodon::RBTreeDBCache< T_R, BIS > | |
Bodon::RBTreeDBCacheInsertThenDestroyBase< T_R, BIS > | |
Bodon::RBTreeDBCacheInsertThenDestroyPro< T_R, BIS > | An efficient database cacher that enables transaction shrinking |
Bodon::RBTreeDBCacheInsertThenDestroySimple< T_R, BIS > | A simple database cacher that enables transaction shrinking |
Bodon::RBTreeDBCacheSimultaneous< T_R, BIS > | |
RoutingSelector< TRIE, LEAF_WC, LEAF_ALLOCATOR, T_R, DF_D > | |
RoutingSelectorDouble< TRIE, LEAF_WC, LEAF_ALLOCATOR, T_R, DF_D > | |
RoutingSelectorHybrid< TRIE_OEL, TRIE_OI, LEAF_WC, LEAF_ALLOCATOR, T_R, DF_D > | |
RoutingSelectorOffset< TRIE, LEAF_WC, LEAF_ALLOCATOR, T_R, DF_D > | |
SeqAprioriSelector< TRIE, LEAF, T_R, DF_D > | |
SeqFrequent2Filter< IT_R > | This class finds the frequent sequences of size 2 with the array technique |
SeqFrequentFilter< IT_R > | This class determines the frequent items |
SimpleAssocRuleWriter | |
SimpleBufferedDFDecoder< FR > | |
SimpleDecoderBase< O > | This is a very simple decoder |
SimpleDFDecoder< O > | |
SimpleNormalDecoder< O > | |
SimpleOutput | This is a very simple class that implements OutputBase::writeItemsetAndCounter by the call of an STL' copy procedure |
SimpleOutputTester | |
Bodon::inhomogeneous_trie::SimplePruner< DF_D, TRIE, LEAF, LEAF_ALLOCATOR, NEE, DEADENDPRUNE > | |
Bodon::trie::SimplePruner< DF_D, TRIE, TRIE_ALLOCATOR, NEE > | |
Bodon::sequence::inhomogeneous_trie::SimplePruner< DF_D, TRIE, LEAF, LEAF_ALLOCATOR > | |
Bodon::dynamic_trie::SimplePruner< DF_D, TRIE_OEL, TRIE_OI, LEAF, LEAF_ALLOCATOR, NEE > | |
Bodon::sequence::SimplePruner< DF_D, TRIE > | |
SimpleTransactionReader | This is a class that implements StreamTransactionReader::nextTransactionBIS and StreamTransactionReader::nextTransactionBIS procedures |
SortedTransactionReader< T_R, UNIQUE, ASCENDING > | Use this class if you want, that a transaction that is read in is sorted and the duplicates are removed |
SortOutput< O > | Use this class if you want the frequent itemset to be ordered when writing them out |
SparseBitmatrix | A sparse bit matrix, implemented as list of columns having 1 for each row |
SparseBitvector | A sparse bit vector, implemented as list of columns having value 1 |
SparseBitvector::const_iterator | |
SparseBitvector::iterator | |
StatCoder< CODER > | This class assigns 0,1, |
StatInput< TR > | An input manager class that collects some statistics (number of transactions, number of items, average size of the transactions) about the transation database |
StatOutput< OUTPUT, VERBOSE > | |
StatOutput< OUTPUT, VERBOSE >::params_t | |
Bodon::StatSupportCounterMerge< TRIE, THRESHOLD > | |
StreamRepr | Stream-based file representation |
Bodon::vector_based::SupportCounter< DATA_STRUCTURE > | |
Bodon::prefix_array::SupportCounter< DATA_STRUCTURE > | |
Bodon::dynamic_trie::SupportCounter< TRIE_OEL, TRIE_OI > | |
Bodon::dynamic_trie::SupportCounterFilter< TRIE_OEL, TRIE_OI > | |
Bodon::SupportCounterHybridSimple< TRIE, THRESHOLD > | |
Bodon::SupportCounterInterface< MAIN_DATA_STRUCTURE, SEC_DATA_STRUCTURE > | This is an interface of a support counter, whose task is to increment the counters of those candidates that are included in the given transaction |
SupportCounterInterface< DATA_STRUCTURE, TR, SC > | Interface for support counters of Apriori |
Bodon::sequence::SupportCounterIterArray< TRIE > | |
Bodon::SupportCounterLookupEdge< TRIE > | |
Bodon::sequence::SupportCounterLookupEdge< TRIE > | |
Bodon::sequence::SupportCounterLookupEdgeCommute< TRIE > | |
Bodon::SupportCounterLookupEdgePrevMem< TRIE > | |
Bodon::sequence::SupportCounterLookupSeq< TRIE > | |
Bodon::SupportCounterLookupTrans< TRIE > | |
Bodon::SupportCounterLookupTransLinBin< TRIE, THRESHOLD > | |
Bodon::SupportCounterLookupTransOffsetBitVec< TRIE > | |
Bodon::SupportCounterLookupTransOffsetIndex< TRIE > | |
Bodon::sequence::SupportCounterMerge< TRIE > | |
Bodon::SupportCounterMerge< TRIE > | |
Bodon::sequence::SupportCounterMerge2< TRIE > | |
Bodon::sequence::SupportCounterMerge< TRIE >::SeqFirstOcc | |
Bodon::dynamic_trie::SupportCounterMergeTries< TRIE_OEL, TRIE_OI, PATRICIA > | |
bracz::TDNonOrdFPStructure< INPUT, BUILDTREEALLOC, SINGLE, TD, PROJECT, PROJECTDELETECLOSED, PROJMERGENODES, FIRSTLEVEL, SPARSEAGGR > | Top-Down NonOrdFP tree projection algo TD NonOrdFP structure with single-path optimization |
ThresholdSelector< VECTOR, T_R, DF_D > | |
TransactionReader< FR > | |
TransactionReader< FR >::params_t | |
Bodon::Trie< LEAF, EDGELIST > | This struct represent an edge of a Trie |
TrieBase< EDGELIST, DATA > | This struct represent an edge of a TrieBase |
TrieBase< EDGELIST, DATA >::iterator | |
bracz::TrieBuildTree< ENDONLY > | |
bracz::TrieBuildTree< ENDONLY >::buildtree_t | |
bracz::TrieBuildTree< ENDONLY >::node_t | This is the node of a single tree (for build) |
bracz::TrieBuildTree< ENDONLY >::nodeptr_t | |
TrieDBCache< T_R, EDGELIST > | |
Bodon::TrieNEE< TRIE > | This struct represent an edge of a TrieNEE |
type_nonordfp_basic | |
type_nonordfp_classicrebuild | |
type_nonordfp_classicrebuild_alll1trees | |
type_nonordfp_classictd | |
type_nonordfp_classictd_alll1trees | |
type_nonordfp_dense | |
type_nonordfp_nsparse | |
type_nonordfp_sparse | |
Bodon::sequence::WeightedSupportCounterLookupSeq< TRIE > | |