Lectures and seminar, TU Berlin, Berlin Mathematical School, Summer Semester 2018

Spatial stochastic models for telecommunications
(Räumliche stochastische Modelle für Telekommunikation)

Course identifiers/Veranstaltungsnummern: 3236 L 283 (lecture) 3236 L 383 (seminar).
Official course descriptions (in German): lecture and seminar.

Seminar topics and calendar of seminar talks

Lecture notes

Last update: 7 June, 2018

Dates and locations

Mondays, 14:15-15:45, TU MA 648
Tuesdays, until 27 April: 10:15-11:45, TU MA 751, from May: 14:15-15:45, TU MA 748

The dates Tuesday 01.05.2018 (Work Day) and Monday 21.05.2018 (Pentacost Monday) are public holidays and therefore cancelled.

Description of the courses / Beschreibung der Lehrveranstaltungen

English: Lectures will take place 4 hours a week (both on Mondays and on Tuesdays) in the first part of the semester, the seminars 4 hours a week afterwards. The starting date of the seminar depends on the number of student talks.
The lecture deals with modeling and analyzing spatial telecommunication networks from the point of view of stochastic geometry. We start with basic notions of spatial stochastics (Poisson point processes, Cox point processes, Palm measures, continuum percolation). Then we put these into context of communication networks and discuss interference, spatial inhomogeneities and approximation theories for large systems (ergodic limits, large deviation principles).
The seminar will consist of student talks about current research topics related to the content of the lecture. Seminar topics will be distributed at the first lecture (16.04.2018) after giving an overview about the course.
The content of the courses Probability 1 and 2 (WT1, WT2) is a prerequisite for the lecture. Attending the lecture is a prerequisite for the seminar.
Deutsch: Diese Vorlesung widmet sich der Modellierung und Analyse von räumlichen Telekommunikationsnetzwerken aus Sicht der stochastischen Geometrie. Wir erörtern zunächst Grundbegriffe der räumlichen Stochastik (Poisson'sche Punktprozesse, Cox-Punktprozesse, Palmmaße, kontinuierliche Perkolation). Dann stellen wir diese in den Kontext von Kommunikationsnetzwerken und diskutieren Interferenz, räumliche Inhomogenitäten und Approximationstheorien für große Systeme (ergodische Limiten, Prinzipien großer Abweichungen). Die Vorlesung findet in der ersten Semesterhälfte vierstündig statt. Sie vermittelt die Grundlagen für ein anschließendes Seminar in der zweiten Semesterhälfte, in dem aktuelle Forschungsliteratur aus Angewandter Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie und Informationstheorie zu diesem Thema behandelt wird. Wir setzen die Inhalte der Vorlesungen Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie 1 und 2 voraus.
Einteilung der Seminarvorträge am ersten Vorlesungstermin (16.04.2018). Teilnahmevoraussetzung zum Seminar ist die Vorlesung.


The courses will be BMS Advanced Courses taught in English. The lecture notes and seminar papers are written in English. Student talks, written reports and oral exams can be taken in English or in German.

Contact and office hours


Prof. Dr. Wolfgang König, WIAS Berlin and TU Berlin.
Office at TU Berlin: TU MA 770. Office hours: by agreement. Email: koenig_AT_wias-berlin.de .
Dr. Benedikt Jahnel, WIAS Berlin.
Office at TU Berlin: TU MA 765. Office hours: by agreement. Email: benedikt.jahnel_AT_wias-berlin.de .

Assistance (webpage, organization of seminar topics)

András Tóbiás, TU Berlin, Berlin Mathematical School.
Office at TU Berlin: TU MA 765. Office hours: by agreement. Email: tobias_AT_math.tu-berlin.de .

Relation between the lecture and the seminar

This course consists of a lecture part and of a seminar part, with different course requirements.
The course takes place every Monday and Tuesday during the semester.
In the beginning of the first lecture on 16 April, we will give a survey about the lecture and the seminar, and distribute the seminar topics. Due to time constraints, at most 13 students will be able to give a seminar talk. For the lecture, there is no limit on the number of participants.
The lectures will be held from 16 April until at least the middle of the term (at least 13 dates, until 04.06.2018). The rest of the term is filled with student talks; if there are less than 13 talks, we will extend the lecture accordingly.


Prerequisite for the lecture is the content of the courses Probability 1 and 2 (WT1, WT2). The lecture can be taken without attending the seminar.
Prerequisite for the seminar is the content of the courses Probability 1 and 2 (WT1, WT2) and attending our lecture. Taking the exam of the lecture is not necessary for the seminar.

Requirements and credits



The requirements for the student speakers are the following (they can be satisfied either in English or in German, upon the decision of the student):
  1. Participation at the lectures in the first part of the semester is required, as well as attending the seminar talks.
  2. Students have to submit a concept paper about their talk to the two lecturers and the assistent via email two weeks before the start of their talk at latest. The concept paper should be at most 2 pages as a pdf file, produced in LaTeX, and it should show the structure of the upcoming seminar talk. It should indicate on which topics the talk will concentrate, and which other topics will be mentioned. It should be written in a self-contained, readable format, but it does not need to include many details and formal mathematics. We will give feedback about the concept paper, and possibly ask for some modifications in the planned concept of the talk.
  3. The seminar talk should have the form of a 60-minute beamer talk or a 90-minute blackboard talk, including questions and discussions. We will ask questions!
  4. Students have to submit a report about their talk to the two lecturers and the assistent via email after their talk. This should be 4-8 pages as a pdf file, produced in LaTeX, having the form of a small thesis or survey article, about the content of the seminar talk. It should also reflect on the questions and discussions at the talk. It should include references and emphasize if the student had some new findings during the seminar. The concept paper can be used as a backbone for the report. For the submission of the report, there is no time limit, but the seminar can be passed only after the report has been accepted by the lecturers. After submission, the report will be evaluated by the lecturers, and only satisfactory texts are finally accepted.
We are happy to discuss about the seminar topics already before the submission of the concept paper, during our office hours, and also via email.

Study materials

Lecture notes

Click here for the lecture notes. (State: 07.06.2018.)

Further recommended literature

[BB1/BB2] F. Baccelli and B. Blaszczyszyn: Stochastic Geometry and Wireless Networks, Volume I/II, Now Publishers Inc, 2009 see here and here.
[FM] M. Franceschetti, R. Meester: Random Networks for Communication - From Statistical Physics to Information Systems. Cambridge University Press, 2007.
[H] M. Haenggi. Advanced Topics in Random Wireless Networks. Available here.
[K] J. F. C. Kingman: Poisson Processes. Oxford Studies in Probability, 1993.
[LP] G. Last and M. Penrose: Lectures on the Poisson Process. Cambridge University Press, 2017. Available here.

Click here for the seminar topics and the calendar of seminar talks

Help for the concept paper and report