Welcome to my webpage!

Personal information

András József Tóbiás, senior lecturer/assistant professor/egyetemi adjunktus at the Department of Computer Science of Information Theory of the Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME-VIK SzIT)
Email: tobias_AT_cs.bme.hu
Room/professional address: IE.217.2, I building, 1117 Budapest, Magyar tudósok körútja 2, Hungary.

Formerly part-time research fellow at the Alfréd Rényi Institute of Mathematics, Budapest.
Formerly postdoctoral researcher at TU Berlin (with Noemi Kurt), even earlier master/PhD student in mathematics at TU Berlin (with Wolfgang König) and scholarship holder of the Berlin Mathematical School.
Former organizer of the "What is?" seminar of the Berlin Mathematical School.

Associated member of the DFG SPP 2265 Random Geometric Systems. Member of the János Bolyai Mathematical Society.


My CV with list of publications and preprints (as of February 26, 2024)

Main research interests

Stochastic processes with applications in biology (adaptive dynamics, population genetics), interacting particle systems; continuum percolation and stochastic geometry with applications in telecommunications, large deviations.

PhD thesis

Message routeing and percolation in interference limited multihop networks. With Wolfgang König at TU Berlin, second reviewer: Giovanni Luca Torrisi, 2019.

Master's thesis

Highly dense mobile networks with random fadings. With Wolfgang König at TU Berlin, 2016.

Seminars that I regularly attend

Interacting Random Systems seminar, WIAS Berlin (hybrid)
"SPIELE" - Stochastic Processes in EvoLution and Ecology seminar (online)
One World Probability Seminar (online)
Math seminars in Hungary (mostly in person)

General information on my past and present teaching

My current teaching in Budapest mainly consists of lectures and exercise classes of Probability Theory and Statistics and exercises of Algorithm Theory for computer engineering students (in Hungarian or German), see below.

In July 2024, I gave a block course on population dynamics as a guest lecturer hosted by Jochen Blath at Goethe-Universität Frankfurt for master and PhD students in mathematics. Its webpage was course webpage.

This semester (spring 2024): exercise classes on algorithm theory and exam-only version of the probability course, both for computer engineering students (in Hungarian).

My former teaching at TU Berlin (in German or English) included: lectures and tutorials of Stochastics for Informatics, exercise classes of Analysis II+III, Insurance Mathematics, Measure and Integration theory, and Probability Theory II/Stochastic Processes I (discrete time) for math students, tutorials of Analysis II for engineering students, seminar assistance for the seminar Probabilistic Methods in Telecommunications.

Hallgatóknak/For students (in Hungarian, PhD subjects and some lecture notes in English)

Doktori témakiírások informatikus [a linken az évet esetleg frissíteni kell] és matematikus hallgatóknak (PhD subjects in informatics [at the link, update the year if necessary] and mathematics)

Előadásjegyzetek és -kiegészítések

Statisztika jegyzetkiegészítés Mészáros Szabolcs jegyzetéhez, a Valószínűségszámítás és statisztika (BMEVISZAB04) tárgyhoz (nem végleges változat)

Populációgenetika jegyzet angolul (lecture notes on population genetics in English)

Egyéb anyagok és linkek hallgatóknak

Valszám minta kis zh

Valszám tárgyhonlap (magyar)

Valszám tárgyhonlap (német)

Témakiírások mérnökinformatikus hallgatóknak (BSc/MSc)

Algel tárgyhonlap (magyar)


Tudnivalók a BME VIK IMSc képzéséről