Students and postdocs
- Nneka Okolo (PhD 2021-2025, now postdoc at MIT)
- Germano Gabbianelli (PhD 2019-2024)
- Matteo Papini (postdoc 2021-2023, now assistant professor at Politecnico di Milano)
- Mastane Achab (postdoc 2020-2021, now at Technology Innovation Institute)
- Julia Olkhovskaya (PhD 2017-2022, co-supervised with Gábor Lugosi, now assistant professor at TU Delft)
- Joan Bas-Serrano (PhD 2017-2022, now at SocialPoint)
- Ciara Pike-Burke, Universitat Pompeu Fabra (postdoc 2019-2020, co-supervised with Gábor Lugosi, now Lecturer at Imperial College London)
- Simone Totaro, Sapienza Universitŕ di Roma (MSc. 2019)
- Alexander
Zimin, Central
European University (MSc. 2013)
- Sándor
Kazi, Budapest
University of Technology and Economics (MSc. 2012)
- Yasin Abbasi-Yadkori,
Adobe Research
- András Antos, Morgan Stanley
- Gábor Bartók, Google
- Cristina Cano, Universitat Oberta de Catalunya
- Nicolň Cesa-Bianchi, Universitŕ degli Studi di Milano
- Sebastian Curi, ETH Zürich
- Luc Devroye, McGill University
- Claudio Gentile, Google
- Vicenç Gómez, Universitat Pompeu Fabra
- Anders Jonsson, Universitat Pompeu Fabra
- Tomáš Kocák, ENS Lyon
- Wojciech Kotłowski, Poznań University of Technology
- Alessandro Lazaric,
INRIA / Facebook AI Research
- Tongliang Liu, University of Sydney
- Gábor Lugosi,
Universitat Pompeu Fabra / ICREA
- Mihalis Markakis, IESE Business school
- Rémi Munos,
INRIA / DeepMind
- Nicole Mücke, Universität Stuttgart
- Michal Valko,
INRIA / DeepMind
- Carlos Riquelme, Google
- Lorenzo Rosasco, MIT / IIT / Universitŕ degli Studi di Genova
- Amir
Sani, Imperial College London
- Nikita Zhivotovskiy, Google