A 0L system is a triplet , where is a finite alphabet, is a set of context-free rules over , and is the axiom. Moreover, has to be complete, that is, for each symbol in there must be at least one rule in with this letter on the left-hand side.
0L systems use parallel derivations: we say that directly derives in a 0L system , with , written as , if , , where , , and the rules are in for .
A T0L system is a triplet , where is a finite alphabet, is a finite set of tables over , where each table for is a complete set of CF rules over , and is the axiom. We say that directly derives in a T0L system , with , written as , if for some , , with the 0L system .
An ET0L system is a quadruple , where is a T0L system, and is a subset of , the terminal alphabet. In an ET0L system directly derives , with , written as , if .
The transitive and reflexive closure of is denoted by . The generated language of the ET0L system (denoted by ) is
T0L and 0L systems are special cases of ET0L systems: stands in both cases; moreover, in the case of 0L systems also holds. In an E0L system there is only one table but is not necessarily equal to . Therefore the above definition gives the generated language for these systems as well.