One of the key questions of the informatics of to-morrow is that the computers get closer to the costumers of different types. The specialization presents the new mathematical methods for this and the technologies based on them. On the field of algorithm design, new models (e.g. quantum computers) and new approaches (e.g. parametric complexity) have been born, but also in the meter of traditional problems, stronger algorithms can be made using the new results of the graph theory and the combinatory optimization. On the field of programming, declarative programming languages appear based on logical, functional or constraint fundamentals. With respect to traditional languages, a declarative program is much more compact, it is of higher level. In its composition, it is not necessary to work out the details of the algorithm it is enough in many cases to describe the conditions (constraints) necessary to achieve the object to be solved. Consequently, the declarative programs can be paralleled in an implicit way that is without the intervention of the programmer, so their effective execution in multiprocessor systems can also be ensured. In the every day informatics - e.g. in the exploration of the Web -, it is needed that the computer sees not only texts, succession of letters, but it can also manage the meaning, the semantic behind them. For this, the textual data can be completed with meta-data, which can be managed formally, on mechanical way. The meta-data can be also gained automatically with mathematical statistical methods or with text analysis. Besides, it is extremely important to present formally the professional or the general knowledge in the form of a so-called ontology and the deductions.
Subject |
Subject Code |
Information Theory |
VISZM101 |
Languages and Automata |
VISZM104 |
Introduction to semantic technologies |
VISZM145 |
System Optimisation |
VISZM117 |
Queueing theory |
VISZM106 |
Theoretical Computer Science Specialization
Subject |
Subject Code |
Data Mining Techniques |
VISZM185 |
Very large databases |
VISZM144 |
Introduction to semantic technologies |
VISZM145 |
Mathematical Statistics |
VISZM102 |
Introduction to Financial Mathematics |
VISZM186 |
Project Laboratory 1 |
VISZM295 |
Project Laboratory 2 |
VISZM382 |
Diploma Thesis Project 1 |
VISZM296 |
Diploma Thesis Project 2 |
VISZM383 |
Subject |
Subject Code |
Applied Functional and Logic Programming |
VISZM100 |
Combinatorial Optimization |
VISZM029 |
Economic and Financial Timeseries |
VISZM021 |
General and Algebraic Combinatorics |
VISZM020 |
Oktatók |
Óraadók |
PhD hallgatók |
Titkárság |
Rendszergazák |
BsC |
MsC |
otka |