All the inhabitants of the planet X build their houses in a triangular
shape. In order to save time and effort, they use a special construction
method. Everything starts with a straight wall. After that, for the
construction of every new house they just add two new walls to an
already existing wall, thus resul-ting in a closed, triangular shaped
house. Of course, the two new added walls might also be used as starting
walls for new houses. Sometimes, using this con-struc-tion pattern,
they arrive at situations where some houses are completely enclosed
in others (like in the figure). However, this is not a problem, because
kids might live in the included houses.
To light up their houses, the X-habitants install a light bulb on
every corner of the final construction (a bulb in a corner is common
to all the houses sharing that corner). On each corner, there is a
switch whose touch toggles the state (on/off) of the bulb from both
that corner and also that of all the bulbs of the connected corners.
Two corners are considered connected if they are placed at the end
of the same wall.
Write a program that finds a switch touch sequence that will turn
on all the light bulbs, starting from a given state.
File name:
Line 1: N
an integer, the number of corners of the building,
labelled from 1 to N;
Lines 2..2xN - 2: I J
Two integers, separated by a blank, representing a wall between the
corners I and J;
Line 2xN - 1: S1 S2 ... S
N integers (separated by blanks) whose values are 0's or 1's,
corresponding to the state of the N light bulbs;
0 means off; 1 means on.
The input data are guaranteed to represent a building that can be
constructed in the specified pattern.
File name: X.OUT
Line 1: L1 L2 ... LK
K integers, separated by blanks, represen-ting the list of the labels
of the switches to be touched.
If there are several solutions, only one is required.
If there is no possible solution, you should write in the output file
a single line containing the number 0.
3 <= N <= 1000
6 1 6
1 3
1 4
1 5
2 3
2 4
3 4
3 6
4 5
4 6
0 1 1 1 0 0
In the figure below you can see a possible building
steps for the example file; the labels for the bulbs initially illuminated
are underlined.