Odd and even

Let us consider a country with N towns. A system of roads formed from direct connections between towns is given; all these direct connections are considered to have the length equal to 1. This system is called even-odd if there are two towns linked by a road of even length, as well as by a road of odd length.

a) Find out if the system of roads is even-odd or not.

b) If the answer for a) is negative, find one of the subsets X of towns which has a maximal number of elements and satisfies the following condition: for any two towns in X, if there is a path linking them, then its length is even.

The name of the input file is introduced from the keyboard. Its first line contains the value of N; the following lines contain pairs I,J with the meaning that the towns I and J are directly linked.

The value of N is at most 300. It can be assumed that every town can be reached from every other town.

Display the output on the screen in an intelligible form.


If the input file contains

1 2
2 3
3 4
4 5
5 1

If the input file contains:

1 2
3 1
1 4

a valid output is


then a valid output is:

X: 2 3 4