
Iterative refinement for quantum tomography and quantum linear equation solving

A következő kvantumalgoritmusok szeminárium témája:


  • Cím: Iterative refinement for quantum tomography and quantum linear equation solving
  • Előadó: Gilyén András


  • Időpont: 2023. november 6., hétfő 12:15 - 13:15
  • Helyszín: IB134-es terem (BME I épület, 1. emelet, SZIT tanszéken belül)


We show how to use iterative refinement techniques, which is a technique from the 60’s suited for computers with low-precision arithmetic, for more efficient pure quantum state tomography, and for more efficient quantum linear equation solving via a divide and conquer strategy, which quadratically improves the condition number dependence of earlier methods and matches that of the conjugate gradient method for generic non-Hermitian matrices.