Central Europe

The Castle of Árva The proud Castle of Krasznahorka The new evangelical church and the wooden church in Késmárk The town hall of Lõcse Krakow The ridge of the Lower Tatra The house at the peak Gyömbér, Lower Tatra Fogaras mountains


The Castle of Prague The Tyn church in Prague The Golden Lane in Prague The main square in Hradec Kralove The church of Hradec Kralove The castle of Zleby

Austria, Germany

Belvedere, Vienna Schönbrunn, Vienna The downtown of Salzburg Nürnberg Fuggerei, Nürnberg


Sunset in Mandre, Pag island Sunset in Mandre, Pag island The town of Pag At the bridge of Pag island Green island (Plitvice) - 2nd price on the photo competition of the Wigner Jenõ Hostel The big waterfall in Plitvice