Szeredi Péter tudományos munkáinak jegyzéke
2008. február
- [1]
- Bedõ Árpád, Herényi István, Langer
Tamás és Szeredi Péter.
Programkészítési Módszerek.
Közgazdasági és Jogi Kiadó, Budapest, 1979.
- [2]
- Farkas Zsuzsa, Futó Iván, Langer Tamás és Szeredi
MPROLOG programozási nyelv.
Mûszaki Kiadó, Budapest, 1988.
- [3]
- David H. D. Warren and Péter Szeredi, editors.
Logic Programming, Proceedings of the Seventh International
Conference, Cambridge, Massachusetts; London, England, June 1990. The MIT
- [4]
- Krzysztof R. Apt, François Fages, Francesca Rossi, Péter Szeredi, and
József Váncza, editors.
Recent Advances in Constraints, Joint ERCIM/CoLogNET
International Workshop on Constraint Solving and Constraint Logic
Programming, CSCLP 2003, Budapest, Hungary, June 30 - July 2, 2003, Selected
Papers, volume 3010 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Springer
Verlag, 2004.
- [5]
- Szeredi Péter, Lukácsy Gergely és Benkõ Tamás.
A szemantikus világháló elmélete és gyakorlata.
Typotex, Budapest, 2005.
501 oldal. Angol nyelvû kiadása elõkészületben a Cambridge University
Press kiadónál.
- [6]
- Iván Futó, Ferenc Darvas, and Péter Szeredi.
The application of PROLOG to the development of QA and DBM
In Hervé Gallaire and Jack Minker, editors, Logic and Data
Bases, pp. 347-376. Plenum Press, New York and London, 1978.
- [7]
- Edit Sántáné-Tóth and Péter Szeredi.
PROLOG applications in Hungary.
In K. L. Clark and S.-Å. Tärnlund, editors, Logic
Programming, pp. 19-32. Academic Press, 1982.
- [8]
- Zsuzsa Farkas, Péter Szeredi, and Edit Sántáné-Tóth.
LDM - a program specification support system.
In M. van Caneghem and D. H. D. Warren, editors, Logic
Programming and its Applications, pp. 105-116. Ablex Publishing Corp.,
- [9]
- Maarten H. van Emden and Péter Szeredi.
Converting AND control to OR control by program transformation.
In Jack Minker, editor, Foundations of Deductive Databases and
Logic Programming, pp. 699-709. Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, Inc., Los
Altos, California, 1987.
- [10]
- Péter Szeredi.
Perspectives of logic programming.
In Alica Kelemenová and Jozef Kelemen, editors, Trends,
Techniques, and Problems in Theoretical Computer Science, volume 281 of
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pp. 200-213. Springer Verlag,
- [11]
- Péter Szeredi.
Solving optimisation problems in the Aurora or-parallel Prolog
In Anthony Beaumont and Gopal Gupta, editors, Parallel Execution
of Logic Programs, Proc. of ICLP'91 Pre-Conf. Workshop, pp. 39-53.
Springer-Verlag, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol 569, 1991.
- [12]
- Zsuzsa Farkas, Péter Köves, and Péter Szeredi.
MProlog: an implementation overview.
In Evan Tick and Giancarlo Succi, editors, Implementations of
Logic Programming Systems, pp. 103-117. Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1994.
- [13]
- Szeredi Péter.
A Prolog nyelv.
Futó Iván, szerk., Mesterséges Intelligencia,
pp. 390-418. Aula Kiadó, 1999.
- [14]
- Péter Szeredi.
Teaching constraints through logic puzzles.
In Krzysztof R. Apt, François Fages, Francesca Rossi, Péter
Szeredi, and József Váncza, editors, Recent Advances in
Constraints, Joint ERCIM/CoLogNET International Workshop on Constraint
Solving and Constraint Logic Programming, CSCLP 2003, Budapest, Hungary, June
30 - July 2, 2003, Selected Papers, volume 3010 of Lecture Notes in
Computer Science, pp. 196-222. Springer Verlag, 2004.
- [15]
- Szeredi Péter.
A TREMP programozási rendszer az NE 803/B
Információ - Elektronika, 5(4), 1970.
- [16]
- Futó Iván és Szeredi Péter.
Mesterséges-intelligencia nyelvek - a PROLOG nyelv.
Információ - Elektronika, 12(2,3):108-113,
146-156, 1977.
- [17]
- Ferenc Darvas, Iván Futó, and Péter Szeredi.
Logic based system for predicting drug interactions.
International Journal of Bio-Medical Computing, 9:259-271,
- [18]
- Sántáné-Tóth Edit és Szeredi Péter.
PROLOG - az ötödik generációs
számítógépek alapnyelve.
Információ - Elektronika, 18(5), 1983.
- [19]
- Ewing Lusk, Ralph Butler, Terrence Disz, Robert Olson, Ross Overbeek, Rick
Stevens, David H. D. Warren, Alan Calderwood, Péter Szeredi, Seif
Haridi, Per Brand, Mats Carlsson, Andrzej Ciepielewski, and Bogumil
The Aurora or-parallel Prolog system.
New Generation Computing, 7(2,3):243-271, 1990.
Lektorált konferencia cikkek
- [20]
- Szeredi Péter.
Magasszintû nyelvek alkalmazása programozási rendszerek
Programozási Rendszerek '75, pp. 73-88. Neumann
János Számítógéptudományi Társaság, 1975.
- [21]
- Szeredi Péter.
Egy logikai alapú magasszintû programozási nyelv.
Programozási Rendszerek '75, pp. 191-209. Neumann
János Számítógéptudományi Társaság, 1975.
- [22]
- Darvas Ferenc, Futó Iván és Szeredi Péter.
Gyógyszerkölcsönhatások automatikus
Számítógépek az orvostudományban és
biológiában, pp. 413-422. Neumann János
Számítógéptudományi Társaság, 1976.
- [23]
- Péter Szeredi.
PROLOG - a very high level language based on predicate logic.
In Proceedings of the Second Hungarian Computer Science
Conference, pp. 853-866. John von Neumann Computer Society, Budapest,
- [24]
- Ferenc Darvas, Iván Futó, and Péter Szeredi.
Some application of theorem proving based machine intelligence in
QSAR: Automatic calculation of molecular properties and automatic
interpretation of quantitative structure-activity relationships.
In Symposium on Chemical Structure - Biological Activity:
Quantitative Approaches, pp. 251-257. Akademie Verlag, Berlin, 1978.
- [25]
- Balogh Kálmán, Sántáné-Tóth Edit és Szeredi
Programfejlesztés logikai alapokon.
Neumann János Számítógéptudományi
Társaság Elsõ Országos Kongresszusa, pp. 36-45, 1979.
- [26]
- Péter Szeredi, Kálmán Balogh, Edit
Sántáné-Tóth, and Zsuzsa Farkas.
LDM - a logic based development method.
In S.-Å. Tärnlund, editor, Logic Programming Workshop,
pp. 160-171, Debrecen, Hungary, 1980.
- [27]
- Judit Bendl, Péter Köves, and Péter Szeredi.
The MPROLOG system.
In S.-Å. Tärnlund, editor, Logic Programming Workshop,
pp. 201-209, Debrecen, Hungary, 1980.
- [28]
- Edit Sántáné-Tóth and Péter Szeredi.
PROLOG applications in Hungary.
In S.-Å. Tärnlund, editor, Logic Programming Workshop,
pp. 177-189, Debrecen, Hungary, 1980.
- [29]
- Zsuzsa Farkas, Péter Szeredi, and Edit Sántáné-Tóth.
LDM - a program specification support system.
In First International Logic Programming Conference, pp.
123-158. University of Marseille, France, September 1982.
- [30]
- Kálmán Balogh, Zsuzsa Farkas, Edit Sántáné-Tóth,
and Péter Szeredi.
Software development in LDM.
In Elod Knuth and Erich J. Neuhold, editors, Specification
and Design of Software Systems, Conference on Operating Systems, Visegrad,
Hungary, January 23-27, 1982, Proceedings, volume 152 of Lecture Notes
in Computer Science. Springer Verlag, 1983.
- [31]
- Bálint Dömölki and Péter Szeredi.
PROLOG in practice.
In R. E. A. Mason, editor, Information Processing '83, pp.
627-636. IFIP, North Holland, 1983.
- [32]
- Ewing Lusk, Ralph Butler, Terrence Disz, Robert Olson, Ross Overbeek, Rick
Stevens, David H. D. Warren, Alan Calderwood, Péter Szeredi, Seif
Haridi, Per Brand, Mats Carlsson, Andrzej Ciepielewski, and Bogumil
The Aurora or-parallel Prolog system.
In International Conference on Fifth Generation Computer
Systems 1988. ICOT, Tokyo, Japan, November 1988.
- [33]
- Alan Calderwood and Péter Szeredi.
Scheduling or-parallelism in Aurora - the Manchester scheduler.
In Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Logic
Programming, pp. 419-435. The MIT Press, June 1989.
- [34]
- Péter Szeredi.
Performance analysis of the Aurora or-parallel Prolog system.
In Proceedings of the North American Conference on Logic
Programming, pp. 713-732. The MIT Press, October 1989.
- [35]
- Anthony Beaumont, S Muthu Raman, Péter Szeredi, and David H D Warren.
Flexible Scheduling of Or-Parallelism in Aurora: The Bristol
In PARLE91: Conference on Parallel Architectures and Languages
Europe, pp. 403-420. Springer Verlag, Lecture Notes in Computer Science,
Vol 506, June 1991.
- [36]
- Péter Szeredi, Mats Carlsson, and Rong Yang.
Interfacing engines and schedulers in or-parallel Prolog systems.
In PARLE91: Conference on Parallel Architectures and Languages
Europe, pp. 439-453. Springer Verlag, Lecture Notes in Computer Science,
Vol 506, June 1991.
- [37]
- Péter Szeredi.
Using dynamic predicates in an or-parallel Prolog system.
In Vijay Saraswat and Kazunori Ueda, editors, Logic Programming:
Proceedings of the 1991 International Logic Programming Symposium, pp.
355-371. The MIT Press, October 1991.
- [38]
- Péter Szeredi.
Exploiting or-parallelism in optimisation problems.
In Krzysztof R. Apt, editor, Logic Programming: Proceedings of
the 1992 Joint International Conference and Symposium, pp. 703-716. The
MIT Press, November 1992.
- [39]
- Ewing Lusk, Shyam Mudambi, Ross Overbeek, and Péter Szeredi.
Applications of the Aurora parallel Prolog system to
computational molecular biology.
In Dale Miller, editor, Proceedings of the International Logic
Programming Symposium, pp. 353-369. The MIT Press, November 1993.
- [40]
- Gábor Umann, Rob Scott, David Dodson, Zsuzsa Farkas, Katalin Molnár,
László Péter és Péter Szeredi.
Using graphical tools in the CUBIQ expert system tool-set.
In Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on the
Practical Application of Prolog, pp. 405-422. The Practical Application
Company Ltd, April 1996.
- [41]
- Péter Szeredi, Katalin Molnár, and Rob Scott.
Serving multiple HTML clients from a Prolog application.
In Paul Tarau, Andrew Davison, Koen de Bosschere, and Manuel
Hermenegildo, editors, Proceedings of the 1st Workshop on Logic
Programming Tools for INTERNET Applications, in conjunction with JICSLP'96,
Bonn, Germany, pp. 81-90. COMPULOG-NET, September 1996.
- [42]
- Tamás Benkõ, Péter Krauth, and Péter Szeredi.
A logic-based system for application integration.
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Logic
Programming, volume 2401 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pp.
452-466. Springer Verlag, July 2002.
- [43]
- Dávid Hanák, Tamás Benkõ, Péter Hanák, and
Péter Szeredi.
Computer aided exercising in Prolog and SML.
In Proceedings of the Workshop on Functional and Declarative
Programming in Education, PLI 2002, Pittsburgh PA, USA, October 2002.
- [44]
- Tamás Benkõ, Gergely Lukácsy, Attila Fokt, Péter
Szeredi, Imre Kilián, and Péter Krauth.
Information integration through reasoning on meta-data.
In Proceedings of the Workshop ``AI Moves to IA, Workshop on
Artificial Intelligence, Information Access, and Mobile Computing'',
IJCAI'03, Acapulco, Mexico, pp. 65-77, August 2003.
- [45]
- Szeredi Péter és Gyimóthy Tibor.
Logikai programozás és alkalmazásai.
IX. Neumann Kongresszus, pp. 181-198. Neumann
János Számítógéptudományi Társaság, 2003.
- [46]
- Péter Szeredi.
Teaching logic programming at the Budapest University of
In Proceedings of the First International Workshop on Teaching
Logic Programming: TeachLP 2004, Saint Malo. Linköping Electronic Conference
Proceedings, 2004.
- [47]
- Zsolt Nagy, Gergely Lukácsy, and Péter Szeredi.
Translating description logic queries to Prolog.
In Pascal Van Hentenryck, editor, Practical Aspects of
Declarative Languages, 8th International Symposium, PADL 2006, Charleston,
SC, USA, January 9-10, 2006, Proceedings, volume 3819 of Lecture Notes
in Computer Science, pp. 168-182, 2006.
- [48]
- Zsolt Nagy, Gergely Lukácsy, and Péter Szeredi.
Description logic reasoning using the PTTP approach.
In Bijan Parsia, Ulrike Sattler, and David Toman, editors, Proceedings of the 2006 International Workshop on Description Logics
(DL2006), volume 189 of CEUR, pp. 183-191, Windermere, U.K., 2006.
- [49]
- Gergely Lukácsy, Zsolt Nagy, and Péter Szeredi.
Using logic programs for description logic reasoning.
In Sebastian Schaffert and York Sure, editors, Proceedings of
Semantics 2006, pp. 113-125, Vienna, Austria, November 2006.
- [50]
- Péter Szabó and Péter Szeredi.
Improving the ISO Prolog standard by analyzing compliance test
In Sandro Etalle and Miroslaw Truszczynski, editors, Logic
Programming, 22nd International Conference, ICLP 2006, Seattle, WA, USA,
August 17-20, 2006, Proceedings, pp. 257-269, 2006.
- [51]
- Gergely Lukácsy, Tamás Benkõ, and Péter Szeredi.
Towards automatic semantic integration.
In Ricardo J. Gonçalves, Jörg P. Müller, Kai Mertins, and Martin
Zelm, editors, Enterprise Interoperability II: New Challenges and
Approaches, Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on
Interoperability for Enterprise Software and Applications (IESA-07), pp.
795-806. Springer Verlag, March 2007.
- [52]
- Gergely Lukácsy and Péter Szeredi.
Rule based classification of documents using Logic Programming.
In Vitor Santos Costa Salvador Abreau, editor, Proceedings of
the 7th International Colloquium on Implementation of Constraint and Logic
Programming Systems (CICLOPS2007), pp. 16-31, Porto, Portugal, 2007.
- [53]
- András G. Békés and Péter Szeredi.
Optimizing Queries in a Logic-based Information Integration System.
In Patricia Hill and Wim Vanhoof, editors, Proceedings of the
17th Workshop on Logic-based methods in Programming Environments (WLPE
2007), pp. 1-15, Porto, Portugal, 2007.
- [54]
- Gergely Lukácsy and Péter Szeredi.
Ontology based information integration using logic programming.
In Edna Ruckhaus, editor, Proceedings of the 2nd International
Workshop on Applications of Logic Programming to the Web, Semantic Web and
Semantic Web Services (ALPSWS2007), pp. 39-54, Porto, Portugal, 2007.
További publikációk
- [55]
- Szeredi Péter.
A BEEL szimbolikus programozási rendszer az ELLIOTT 803/B
NIM IGÜSZI Számítástechnikai
Közlemények, 9:36-47, 1967.
- [56]
- Szeredi Péter.
A TREMP szimbolikus programozasi rendszer az ELLIOTT 803/B
NIM IGÜSZI, Budapest, 1968.
106 oldal.
- [57]
- Szeredi Péter és Futó Iván.
PROLOG kézikönyv.
Számológép, 7(3-4):5-130, 1977.
NIM IGÜSZI, Budapest.
- [58]
- Péter Szeredi.
Mixed language programming - a method for producing efficient
PROLOG programs.
In Collection of Papers on Logic Programming, pp. 61-68.
SzKI, Budapest, 1988.
Originally presented at the Workshop on Logic Programming for
Intelligent Systems, Los Angeles, California, August 1981.
- [59]
- Péter Szeredi.
Module concepts for PROLOG.
In Prolog Programming Environments Workshop, pp. 69-79,
University of Linköping, Sweden, March 1982.
- [60]
- Péter Szeredi and Edit Sántáné-Tóth.
PROLOG applications in Hungary.
In The Fifth Generation - Dawn of the Second Computer Age. SPL
International, London, July 1982.
- [61]
- Zsuzsa Farkas and Péter Szeredi.
Getting started with MPROLOG.
Technical report, SZKI, Budapest, May 1983.
- [62]
- Maarten H. van Emden and Péter Szeredi.
Converting AND control to OR control by program transformation.
In Workshop on Foundations of Deductive Databases and Logic
Programming, pp. 678-688, August 1986.
- [63]
- Péter Szeredi.
Perspectives of logic programming.
In Fourth International Meeting of Young Computer Scientists,
pp. 87-101, Smolenice, Czechoslovakia, October 1986.
- [64]
- Péter Köves and Péter Szeredi.
Getting the most out of structure sharing.
In Collection of Papers on Logic Programming, pp. 69-84.
SzKI, Budapest, 1988.
- [65]
- Péter Szeredi.
Performance analysis of the Aurora or-parallel Prolog system.
Technical Report TR-89-14, University of Bristol, 1989.
- [66]
- Mats Carlsson and Péter Szeredi.
The Aurora abstract machine and its emulator.
SICS Research Report R90005, Swedish Institute of Computer
Science, 1990.
- [67]
- Anthony Beaumont, S. Muthu Raman, and Péter Szeredi.
Scheduling or-parallelism in Aurora with the Bristol scheduler.
Technical Report TR-90-04, University of Bristol, Computer
Science Department, March 1990.
- [68]
- Péter Szeredi and Mats Carlsson.
The engine-scheduler interface in the Aurora or-parallel Prolog
Technical Report TR-90-09, University of Bristol, Computer
Science Department, April 1990.
- [69]
- Anthony Beaumont, S. Muthu Raman, Vítor Santos Costa, Péter Szeredi,
David H. D. Warren, and Rong Yang.
Andorra-I: An implementation of the Basic Andorra Model.
Technical Report TR-90-21, University of Bristol, Computer
Science Department, September 1990.
Presented at the Workshop on Parallel Implementation of Languages for
Symbolic Computation, University of Oregon, July 1990.
- [70]
- Péter Szeredi.
Using dynamic predicates in Aurora - a case study.
Technical Report TR-90-23, University of Bristol, November
- [71]
- Péter Szeredi.
Extensions of Prolog for or-parallel implementations (Extended
In 3rd International Workshop on Extensions of Logic
Programming, pp. 251-255. Università di Bologna, February 1992.
- [72]
- Péter Szeredi.
Or-parallel extension of Prolog.
In Proceedings of the Third Hungarian Conference on Artificial
Intelligence, pp. 163-171. The John von Neumann Society for Computer
Sciences, April 1993.
- [73]
- Mats Carlsson, Ewing L. Lusk, and Péter Szeredi.
Smoothing rough edges in Aurora (Extended Abstract).
In Proceedings of the First COMPULOG-NOE Area Meeting on
Parallelism and Implementation Technology. Technical University of Madrid,
May 1993.
- [74]
- Mats Carlsson, Ewing Lusk, and Péter Szeredi.
Aurora Prolog-User's manual.
Technical report, IQSOFT, June 1993.
- [75]
- Péter Szeredi.
Experience of international R & D work through computer networks
-- the Gigalips project.
In CON'93 -- Proceedings of the Eighth Austrian-Hungarian
Informatics Conference, pp. 107-110. R. Oldenbourg Verlag,
Wien-München, November 1993.
- [76]
- Zsuzsa Farkas, Péter Szeredi, and Gábor Umann.
CUBIQ tool-set reference manual, version 4.
CUBIQ Copernicus project deliverable report, IQSOFT Ltd.,
Hungary, 1995.
- [77]
- Tony Beaumont, David H. D. Warren, and Péter Szeredi.
Improving Aurora scheduling.
CUBIQ Copernicus project deliverable report, University of
Bristol and IQSOFT Ltd., 1995.
- [78]
- Péter Szeredi and Zsuzsa Farkas.
Handling large knowledge bases in parallel Prolog.
Presented at the Workshop on High Performance Logic Programming
Systems, in conjunction with Eighth European Summer School in Logic,
Language, and Information, Prague, August 1996.
- [79]
- Hanák Péter, Szeredi Péter, Benkõ Tamás és Hanák Dávid.
``Magad, uram, ha szolgád nincsen'' -- Egy Web-alapú intelligens
Networkshop 2001. Nemzeti Információs Infrastrukúra
Fejlesztési Program, 2001.
- [80]
- Szeredi Péter, Benkõ Tamás és Krauth Péter.
SILK: alkalmazás-integrálás logikai alapokon.
Networkshop 2001. Nemzeti Információs Infrastrukúra
Fejlesztési Program, 2001.
- [81]
- Lukácsy Gergely, Benkõ Tamás, Szeredi Péter és Krauth Péter.
Ontológiakezelés logikai módszerekkel.
Networkshop 2003. Nemzeti Információs Infrastrukúra
Fejlesztési Program, 2003.
- [82]
- Péter Szeredi.
Teaching constraints through logic puzzles.
In Preprints of the Workshop ``Constraint and Logic
Programming'', Joint Annual Workshop of the ERCIM Working Group on
Constraints and the CoLogNET area on Constraint and Logic Programming,
Budapest, Hungary, pp. 9-28, June 2003.
Invited Lecture.
- [83]
- Lukácsy Gergely és Szeredi Péter.
Ontológiák és alkalmazásuk orvosi területen.
IME -- Informatika és menedzsment az egészségügyben,
III(1):26-30, 2004.
- [84]
- Szeredi Péter és Benkõ Tamás.
Bevezetés a logikai programozásba.
Budapesti Mûszaki és Gazdaságtudományi Egyetem, Villamosmérnöki és
Informatikai Kar, 1998, 2001, 2004.
Oktatási segédlet a Deklaratív Programozás c. tárgyhoz. Kézirat.
- [85]
- Dávid Hanák, Tamás Szeredi, and Péter Szeredi.
FDBG, the CLP(FD) debugger library of SICStus Prolog.
In Bart Demoen and Vladimir Lifschitz, editors, Logic
Programming, 20th International Conference, ICLP 2004, Saint-Malo, France,
September 6-10, 2004, Proceedings, volume 2401 of Lecture Notes in
Computer Science, pp. 458-459. Springer Verlag, 2004.
Poster presentation.
- [86]
- Szeredi Péter és Lukácsy Gergely.
Logikai programozás és alkalmazásai.
Informatika a Felsõoktatásban Konferencia. Debreceni
Egyetem, 2005.
- [87]
- Szeredi Péter és Lukácsy Gergely.
Szemantikus integráció a gyakorlatban.
Informatika a Felsõoktatásban Konferencia. Debreceni
Egyetem, 2005.
- [88]
- Gergely Lukácsy and Péter Szeredi.
Plagiarism detection in source programs using structural
Technical report, Budapest University of Technology and Economics,
July 2007.
Submitted to Acta Cybernetica.
- [89]
- Gergely Lukácsy and Péter Szeredi.
Combining description logics and object oriented models in an
information framework.
Technical report, Budapest University of Technology and Economics,
October 2007.
Submitted to Periodica Polytechnica.
Szeredi Peter