Semantic and Declarative Technologies Course, Homework C2, some hints

This page gives some hints on the predicate knapsack/4 of Homework C2.

Consider the example below:

| ?- Items = [item(1,3,4),item(2,8,6),item(3,7,7),item(4,1,5)], knapsack(Items, 10, 10, Selected). The task of the knapsack goal can be decomposed into the following steps:
  1. extract the lists of item weights [3,8,7,1] and item values [4,6,7,5] from Items
  2. create a list of 0-1 variables of the same lengths as Items
  3. post the constraint that the total weight should be =< 10
  4. post the constraint that the total value should be >= 10
  5. do labeling
  6. create output: extract the list the selected item ids from Items

Last modified by Péter Szeredi,, on 04-16-2023.