
[1] Horváth, G., Kátai-Urbán, K., Pach, P. P., Pluhár, G., Pongrácz, A., Szabó, Cs.: The number of monounary algebras, Algebra Universalis, 66(1-2) (2011) 81–83. pdf
[2] Lengvárszky, Zs., Pach, P. P.: A Note on Systems of Rectangular Islands: The Continuous Case, Acta Sci. Math., Szeged, 77 (2011) 27–34. pdf
[3] Pach, P. P., Pluhár, G., Pongrácz, A., Szabó, Cs.: The possible number of islands on the sea, J. Math. Anal. Appl., 375(1) (2011) 8–13. pdf
[4] Pach, P. P., Szabó, Cs.: On the minimal distance of a polynomial code, Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science, 13(4) (2011) 33–44. pdf
[5] Kátai-Urbán, K., Pach, P. P., Pluhár, G., Pongrácz, A., Szabó, Cs.: On the word problem for syntactic monoids of piecewise testable languages, Semigroup Forum, 84(2) (2012) 323–332. pdf
[6] Horváth, G.; Kátai-Urbán, K., Pach, P. P., Pluhár, G., Pongrácz, A., Szabó, Cs.: On free algebras in the varieties of iterated semidirect products of meet-semilattices, International Journal of Algebra and Computation, 22(7) (2012) 11pp. pdf
[7] Pach, P. P.: The Ramsey-type version of a problem of Pomerance and Schinzel, Acta Arithmetica, 156(1) (2012) 1–5. pdf
[8] Pach, P. P.: Ramsey type results on the solvability of certain equations in Z_m, Integers, 13 (2013) 9pp. pdf
[9] Pach, P. P., Pinsker, M., Pongrácz, A., Szabó, Cs.: A new operation on partially ordered sets, Journal of Combinatorial Theory Series A, 120(7) (2013) 1450–1462. pdf
[10] Pach, P. P., Pluhár, G., Pongrácz, A., Szabó, Cs.: The number of rooted trees of given depth, Electronic Journal of Combinatorics, 20(2) (2013) 11pp. pdf
[11] Ashrafi, A. R., Mirzargar, M., Pach, P. P.: The Automorphism Group of Commuting Graph of a Finite Group, Bulletin of the Korean Mathematical Society, 51(4) (2014) 1145–1153. pdf
[12] Ashrafi, A. R., Mirzargar, M., Pach, P. P.: Remarks on the Commuting Graph of a Finite Group, Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics, 45 (2014) 103–106. pdf
[13] Pach, P. P., Pinsker, M., Pluhár, G., Pongrácz, A., Szabó, Cs.: Reducts of the random partial order, Advances in Mathematics, 267 (2014) 94–120. pdf
[14] Pach, P. P.: Solving equations under Simon’s congruence, Proceedings of the 9th Hungarian-Japanese Symposium on Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications (2015) 201–206. pdf
[15] Pach, P. P.: Generalized multiplicative Sidon sets, Journal of Number Theory 157 (2015) 507–529. pdf
[16] Croot, E., Lev, V. F., Pach, P. P.: Progression-free sets in Z_4^n are exponentially small, Annals of Mathematics, 185 (1) (2017) 331-337. arxiv link
[17] Pach, P. P.: Monochromatic solutions to the equation x+y=z^2 in the interval [N,cN^4], Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society, 50 (6) (2018) 1113-1116. arxiv link
[18] Pach, P. P.: Normal forms under Simon’s congruence, Semigroup Forum 97 (2) (2018) 251-267. pdf
[19] Pach, P. P., Sándor, Cs.: Multiplicative bases and an Erdős problem, Combinatorica 38 (5) (2018) 1175-1203. arxiv link
[20] Král', D., Martins, T., Pach, P. P., Wrochna, M.: The step Sidorenko property and non-norming edge-transitive graphs, Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series A, 162 (2019) 34-54. arxiv link
[21] Pach, P. P., Sándor, Cs.: On infinite multiplicative Sidon sets, European Journal of Combinatorics, 76 (2019) 37-52. arxiv link
[22] Liu, H., Pach, P. P.: The number of multiplicative Sidon sets of integers, Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series A, 165 (2019) 152-175. arxiv link
[23] Hegyvári, N., Hennecart, F., Pach, P. P.: On the density of sumsets and product sets, Australasian Journal of Combinatorics, 74 (1) (2019) 1-16. journal link arxiv link
[24] Pach, P. P.: An improved upper bound for the size of the multiplicative 3-Sidon sets, Int. J. Number Theory 15 (8) (2019) 1721–1729. arxiv link
[25] Hegyvári, N., Pach, P. P.: Hilbert cubes meet arithmetic sets, Journal of Number Theory, 217 (2020), 292-300.
[26] Elsholtz, C., Pach, P. P.: Caps and progression-free sets in Z_m^n, Designs, Codes, and Cryptography, 88 (2020) 2133-2170. journal link arxiv link
[27] Pach, P. P., Palincza, R.: The counting version of a problem of Erdős, European Journal of Combinatorics, 90 (2020) 103187 journal link arxiv link
[28] Caicedo, A. E., Chartier, T. A. C., Pach, P. P.: Coloring the n-smooth numbers with n colors, Electronic Journal of Combinatorics, 28 (1) (2021) Article Number P1.34, 79 pp. journal link arxiv link
[29] Lev, V. F., Nagy, J., Pach, P. P.: Sum-full sets are not zero-sum-free, Linear Algebra and its Applications 625 (2021) 241-247. journal link arxiv link
[30] Liu, H., Pach, P. P., Palincza, R.: The number of maximum primitive sets of integers, Combinatorics, Probability and Computing 30 (5) (2021) 781-795. arxiv link
[31] Liu, H., Pach, P. P., Sándor, Cs.: Polynomial Schur's theorem, Combinatorica 42 (2) (2022) 1357-1384. arxiv link
[32] Pach, P. P.: Bounds on the size of progression-free sets in Z_m^n, Unif. Distrib. Theory 17 (2022) no.1, 1-10. pdf
[33] Pach, P. P., Palincza, R.: Sets avoiding six-term arithmetic progressions in Z_6^n are exponentially small, SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics 36 (2) (2022) 1135-1142. arxiv link
[34] Nagy, J., Pach, P. P.: A Counterexample to the Lights Out Problem, Journal of Graph Theory 101 (2) (2022) 265-273. journal link
[35] Bursics, B., Matolcsi, D., Pach, P. P., Schrettner, J.: Avoiding right angles and certain Hamming distances, Linear Algebra and its Applications 677 (2023) 71-87. arxiv link
[36] Nagy, J., Pach, P. P.: The Alon-Jaeger-Tarsi conjecture via group ring identities, J. Eur. Math. Soc., to appear arxiv link
[37] Nagy, J., Pach, P. P., Tomon, I.: Additive bases, coset covers, and non-vanishing linear maps arxiv link (now contained in [42])
[38] Bajnok, B., Pach, P. P.: On sumsets of nonbases of maximum size, European Journal of Combinatorics 121 (2024) 103835 pdf conference version (Discrete Mathematics Days 2022)
[39] Pach, P. P., Vizer, M.: Improved lower bounds for multiplicative square-free sequences, Electronic Journal of Combinatorics, Electronic Journal of Combinatorics 30 (4) (2023) Article Number P4.31 journal link
[40] Baja, Zs., Dobák, D., Kovács, B., Pach, P. P., Pigler, D.: Towards characterizing the 2-Ramsey equations of the form ax+by=p(z), Discrete Mathematics 346 (5) (2023) 113324 journal link arxiv link
[41] Král', D., Lamaison, D., Pach. P. P.: Common systems of two equations over the binary field, in preparation conference version (Discrete Mathematics Days 2022)
[42] Nagy, J., Pach, P. P., Tomon, I.: Hyperplane covers of finite spaces and applications, submitted pdf
[43] Elsholtz, C., Führer, J, Füredi, E., Kovács, B., Pach, P. P., Simon, D. G., Velich, N.: Maximal line-free sets in F_p^n, Periodica Mathematica Hungarica 90 (2025) 7-21. arxiv link
[44] Kim, J., Liu, H., Pach, P. P.: Optimal polynomial Schur's theorem, submitted arxiv link
[45] Nagy, J., Pach, P. P.: A sumset version of a conjecture of Pilz, submitted pdf
[46] Fleiner Zs. Gy., Juhász, M. H., Kövér, B., Pach, P. P., Sándor, Cs.: Product representation of perfect cubes, submitted arxiv link
[47] Croot, E., Lev, V. F., Pach, P. P.: Past and future of the cap set problem, submitted (review paper, International Congress of Basic Science, Beijing) (2024)