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  Dear visitor,

I'm Salamon Gábor, and I'm welcoming you to my homepage.

It's highly recommended to use a browser for visiting my site, as the use of Internet Explorer or a Nile crocodile for this purpose can cause a lot of inconveniences... (In my honest opinion this latter knows W3.ORG recommendations better.) :-)

At present, I'm working for Morgan Stanley. In the same time I'm preparing my PhD Thesis of computer sciences at Budapest University of Technology and Economics. I'm doing some basic research mainly in the area of telecommunications networks, their mathematical modelling and optimization at the Department of Computer Science and Information Theory.

I have a special interest within my profession in combinatorial optimization, in theory of algorithms and graphs, and in network design. Before, I had some work with genetic algorithms and formal methods, too. I give seminars of different courses of our department for about five years.
You can find more about my professional work, or even my Curriculum Vitae, as well. If you only want to reach me, have a look at my addresses .

In my free time I like to watch movies, to make excursions, and to visit various countries. Sometimes I try to make nice photos in nice places. You can even take a view of some better pictures.

At last, let me to dedicate a paragraph to new parts of my homepage, despite there are a lot of more regularly updated pages on the web:

  • If you have some time visit my photo gallery, and see my newest pictures.