Numerical methods of linear algebra/A lineáris algebra numerikus módszerei

Fall 2023

Lecture: Tu 10-12,   room: IB134 and W 10-12,   room: IE217.1

We are mostly following a Hungarian book but, for example, the book Matrix Computations by Golub and Van Loan is a good place to look for algorithms. Wikipedia (and the net in general) also contains many useful things.

Main  topics covered so far.


Oral exams during the exam period , consisting of two parts.

For the first part you will get a problem to solve at home before the exam. It can be done by computer, using any software you wish. In the first part of the exam you are supposed to speak about the results, method(s) you used, your experiences. During this you can use whatever you wish, your notes, printout, computer, etc.

The second part is an oral exam from the topics covered by the lectures (definitions, algorithms, theorems, proofs, etc.).   For this part, prepare  a "cheat sheet": a sheet of size A4, hand written by yourselves at home. This sheet can be used during the second part. (At the exam you will have some time to prepare, the cheat sheet can be useful to get the formulas correct).

Steps before the exam:

  1. Choose one problem from this list, one that is not yet taken. Actually, it is better to have a short list of your favorite problems in the order of your preferences.
  2. Let me know your selection before/after the class or send it to me in an email .
  3. You get the first problem of your list not taken by someone else, I'll let you know which is yours.
  4. Solve it by a program you write or find (for example in MATLAB). If you really want, most of them can be solved with paper and pen only.
  5. Play with it a little bit: use different precisions, add random noise to the numbers or do some transformation on the problem and see how these changes effect the solution; create larger example (for example, randomly) and try if you can still solve that and how much time does it take, etc.
  6. Study for the second part.
  7. Prepare a "cheat sheet". This can be one sheet of size A4 handwritten by yourselves with any information you think could be helpful during the exam.

The topics for the second part are here. (Notice that the topics covered on last week is not part of the exam.)

In case of any question send me an email.

Katalin Friedl, BME   VIK   SZIT