Publications of Dániel Fogaras

  1. Dániel Fogaras, Balázs Rácz: Scaling Link-based Similarity Search. Technical Report, 2004.

  2. Dániel Fogaras, Balázs Rácz, Károly Csalogány, Tamás Sarlós: Towards Scaling Fully Personalized PageRank. Technical Report, 2004.

  3. Dániel Fogaras, Balázs Rácz: Towards Scaling Fully Personalized PageRank. WAW 2004 in conjunction with FOCS 2004. Published in LNCS Volume 3243/2004, Springer Verlag.

  4. Dániel Fogaras, Balázs Rácz: A Scalable Randomized Method to Compute Link-Based Similarity Rank on the Web Graph.ClustWeb in conjunction with EDBT 2004, 2004. To be published in LNCS Volume 3268, Springer Verlag.

  5. Dániel Fogaras. Ranking the Pages of the World Wide Web. John von Neumann PhD stundents Conference, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, 2003.
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  6. Dániel Fogaras. Where to Start Browsing the Web? 3rd Workshop on Innovative Internet Community Systems, Leipzig, 2003. Proceedings will be published by Lecture Notes on Computer Science, Springer.
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  7. András A. Benczúr, Károly Csalogány, Dániel Fogaras, Eszter Friedman, Tamás Sarlós, Máté Uher, Eszter Windhager. Searching a small national domain-Preliminary report. Poster, 12th International World Wide Web Conference, 2003.

  8. Dániel Fogaras. Algorithms on the Web Graph. 3rd Hungarian-Japanese Symposium on Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications, 2003.
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  9. Dániel Fogaras. Singular Value Decomposition and its Applications in Information Retrieval. Technical report, 2002. (In Hungarian)
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  10. Dániel Fogaras, Kokichi Sugihara. Topology-Oriented Construction of Line Arrangements. IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences, Vol. E85-A, No. 4, April 2002.

  11. Dániel Fogaras, Kokichi Sugihara. Topology-Oriented Robust Algorithm for Constructing Line Arrangements; 6th Korea-Japan Workshop on Algorithms and Computation, 2001.

  12. Tibor Cinkler, Dániel Marx, Claus Popp Larsen, Dániel Fogaras. Heuristic algorithms for joint configuration of the optical and electrical layer in multi-hop wavelength routing networks. IEEE INFOCOM 2000, 1000-1009
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  13. Dániel Fogaras. Algorithmic problems in WDM networks. Master Thesis, Department of Computer Science and Information Theory, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, 2000. (In Hungarian)
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