Precoloring extension
Precoloring extension is a natural generalization of graph coloring:
we are given a graph where a subset of the vertices already have a
color, we have to extend this precoloring to the whole graph (using
the given number of colors). Clearly, this problem contains ordinary
vertex coloring as a special case, hence it is NP-hard in
general. Therefore most of the research considers restricted classes
of graph where the problem might be easier.
I have compiled a
small collection of links to online papers on precoloring extension.
If you
find that a relevant paper is missing or a link is wrong, then please mail me.
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full text can be accessed only if you or your institution is
subscribed to the online service.
- A Note on Graph Coloring Extensions and List-Colorings, 2003
M. Axenovich
- You Can't
Paint Yourself into a Corner, 1998
M.O. Albertson
- Extending Graph Colorings Using No Extra Colors, 1999
M.O. Albertson, E.H, Moore
- Precoloring extension. I. Interval graphs, 1992
M. Biró, M. Hujter and Zs. Tuza
- Scheduling with
incompatible jobs, 1994
H.L. Bodlaender, K. Jansen,
G.J. Woeginger
- Exploring
the complexity boundary between coloring and list coloring, 2006
F. Bonomo, G. Durán, and Javier Marenco
- Approximate
Constrained Bipartite Edge Coloring, 2001
I. Caragiannis, A. Ferreira, Ch. Kaklamanis, S. Pérennes, P. Persiano
and H. Rivano
- The
complexity of completing partial Latin squares, 1984
C.J. Colbourn
- Preassignment
requirements in chromatic scheduling, 1997
D. de Werra and N. V. R. Mahadev
- On
completing latin squares, 2001
T. Easton and R.G. Parker
of the edge precoloring extension problem on bipartite graphs,
J. Fiala
On the Computational Complexity
of the Forcing Chromatic Number, 2005
F. Harary, W. Slany and O. Verbitsky
Precoloring extension II. Graph classes related to bipartite graphs, 1993
M. Hujter and Zs. Tuza
- Complexity results for the optimum cost chromatic partition problem, 1997
K. Jansen
- Generalized coloring for tree-like graphs, 1992
K. Jansen and P. Scheffler
- Precoloring Co-Meyniel
graphs, 2005
V. Jost, B. Lévêque and Frédéric Maffray
- Precoloring extension with fixed color bound, 1993
J. Kratochvíl
- Coloring precolored perfect graphs, 1998
J. Kratochvíl and A. Sebő
- New trends in the theory of graph colorings: Choosability and list coloring, 1998
J. Kratochvíl, Zs. Tuza, M. Voigt
NP-completeness of list coloring and precoloring extension on the edges of planar graphs, 2004
D. Marx
Precoloring extension on unit interval graphs, 2004
D. Marx
Parameterized coloring problems on chordal graphs, 2004
D. Marx
- Precoloring extension on chordal graphs, 2004
D. Marx
- Graph
Colorings with Local Constraints -- A Survey, 1997
Zs. Tuza
- A Colourful Theory on Graphs, 2002
Zs. Tuza
- A note on planar 5-list colouring, 2001
Zs. Tuza and M. Voigt
Maintained by Dániel Marx.
Last updated:
October 29, 2007
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