IdentFavIcon - Firefox Extension
IdentFavIcon is a Mozilla Firefox extension based on the idea
of Don Park to generate visually pleasing and easily recognizable
icons from identifiers, such as IP addresses. I have used his algorithm to
create this extension, which replaces the default favicon for web pages
without one. The extension uses the CRC-32 code of the web page's domain
name to seed the identicon renderer.
You can install the extension (version by clicking here or from the
add-ons page. The source of IdentFavIcon is hosted at, feel free to contribute.

New in Version
- Added Turkish locale + updated version compatibility
New in Version
- Fixed usage of deprecated API document.baseURIObject
New in Version
- Added Polish and Spanish locale + updated version compatibility
New in Version
- Added Portugese locale + fixed version numbering to support update checks
New in Version 0.3.4c
- Added German, French, Japanese, Serbian, Swedish, and Chinese translation + updated Firefox compatibility to 4.0
New in Version 0.3.3
- Updated to be compatible with Firefox 4.0b9
New in Version 0.3.2
- Hotfix release
- Fixed broken behavior for background loading of multiple tabs
- More swastikas avoided
New in Version 0.3.1
- Fixed behavior for sites with favicons which are not 16x16 pixels
- Added button to clear generated favicons (go to
Tools/Add-ons/Identfavicon Preferences, Clear Generated Icons button)
New in Version 0.3
- Version 0.2.2 has a serious bug in it, please upgrade!
- Now can set site preferences: enforce/forbid identfavicon generation
for certain sites (to override automatic behavior)
- Added preferences panel to hide context menu item and add site
- Thrown away code that was responsible for inifitely looping web
requests on some sites
- Completely replaced valid favicon recognition code
- Swastika avoidance :-)
- Firefox 3.7a1pre compatibility
New in Version 0.2.2
- Firefox 3.6a1pre compatibility
- "Reload Page Favicon" context menu item to enforce favicon reload
(after network outage, for example)
New in Version 0.2.1
- Firefox 3.5 beta compatibility
- Fixed favicon update when navigating back and forth in page history
- Fixed favicon generation for a couple of sites
New in Version 0.2
- Firefox 3.1 beta compatibility
- Transparent favicon backgrounds
Send feedback, comments, requests to dhanak
(at) gmail (dot) com. Please include IdentFavIcon in the
subject line.
David Hanak