Informally speaking, in a weak extended simple eco-grammar system we choose some agents to perform a common action in the following way: the chosen agents can perform an action together and there is no symbol among the remaining letters where any of the other agents could act. The chosen agents perform their actions, the remaining letters are rewritten by the environment. In that particular case when there is only one agent in the system, this definition implies that the agent has to work if it is able to but if no letter can be rewritten by the agent, then it is the environment itself that continues the derivation.
We present the definition of this system and
explain its functioning. Similar to Lemma 5.11,
the notation
stands for
denotes the number
of rules in
, the rules in
are enumerated as
We do the simulation of a rule by introducing five different alphabets
for each rule of : for the
th rule we introduce the alphabets
. We start the simulation or the skipping
of the
th rule with a word over
the alphabet
, then during the simulation
we go through the alphabets
, and
finish with a word over the alphabet
. Consequently we can
finish the whole derivation or we can continue with the next rule.
There are more additional alphabets for coordinating the simulation:
the letters and
, and
it possible to skip the
th rule of
; the symbols
let the agent simulate the
th rule of
the symbols
are introduced only if
, the permitting set is empty and
make it
possible to deal with this case;
the symbols
ensure that the derivation
is blocked if the agent simulates the
rule of
while the non-empty permitting condition is missing.
In the following, we first show how the application of a rule of can
be simulated and we also show how the application can be skipped.
Then we
show why the construction of the above wEEG system guarantees that
only those derivations result in a terminal word which follow
a derivation of the random-context grammar
Let us suppose that we want to simulate the application of the
first rule
of :
(the case of the other rules
is similar) and
let us first suppose that
. Before the simulation
the sentential form in
is over
In the first step the agent ``decides'' whether the current rule
(in this case the first rule of ) will be simulated or
will be skipped. Let us suppose that the rule is to be simulated.
In this case the agent uses the
. The other letters
are rewritten by the environment, using the rules
In the next step the agent checks whether or not the forbidding context
is present in the sentential form. This is done in the following
way: the agent introduces a if
is present (where
is the forbidding context),
while otherwise the agent does not work because
not present in the sentential form.
The environment increases the second index of the symbols
from 1 to 2 in this step.
In the third step the agent uses the rule
; the environment increases the
second indexes from 2 to 3 in the other symbols.
In the fourth step the agent deletes while the
environment increases the second indexes from 3 to 4.
In the fifth and final step the agent applies the rule
or the rule
, which correspond
to the first rule of
; the environment increases
the second indexes.
Therefore we obtain a word over
, that is, when the permitting condition is empty, then the
simulation is different. While the environment does the same
as in the previous case, the agent applies different rules.
The rule the agent uses in the first step is
and thus
is introduced.
In the third step this symbol is used to introduce
and from that point the simulation continues in the same way as
described above, that is, when
Now we show how we can do the skipping of the first rule (the case of
the other rules is the same). Let us suppose
again that we have a word over the alphabet
The environment works in the same way as it did
in the previous case, the
difference is in the behaviour of the agent.
In the first step the agent chooses the rule
, in the next step the rule
, and in the third step the rule
. In the fourth and in the
fifth step
the agent no longer has any rule to apply, hence it does not perform any
By the end of these five steps we have the same word as we had before,
apart from the first indexes in the symbols: we have the same word over
the alphabet
At this point the simulation or the skipping
of the second rule can start and can be carried out in the previous
We can continue this process until the last rule, the th one, when we
can restart
the whole procedure with the first rule again.
In order to finish the derivation,
after having finished the simulation of a rule of the agent chooses
the rule in the form of
while the
environment rewrites the remaining letters according to its rules
Thus we have seen that
In the following we show that the eco-grammar system must follow one of the sequences presented above, or otherwise the derivation would never terminate.
In the first step, when the sentential form is over ,
the agent can work because either the left-hand side of the
current rule of
is present
(and thus the agent can rewrite
) or the symbol
can be rewritten.
(At the end of the proof we explain why we can suppose that
has not yet disappeared from the sentential form.)
Therefore, in this first step the agent marks a position where it can perform
the application
of the current rule or it can mark .
If it marks a position for the current rule, then in the next steps
it must check the appearance of the forbidding and the permitting
context. The derivation can result in a word not containing letters
only if the check is successful.
This is done in the following way: the derivation is
blocked by the rule
if the forbidding context is present, or by the rule
if the non-empty
permitting condition is missing.
In the last step the agent must apply the rule corresponding
to the rule of
Thus we have seen that if the agent decides to mark a position for applying
the current rule, then it must check whether or not
the rule is applicable,
and, if the checking is successful, then finally
it must simulate it.
If the agent chooses the other possibility and marks ,
then in the next two steps he must increase the second index of
from 1 to 2 and from 2 to 3.
In the next two steps the agent cannot work.
Hence if the agent chooses to mark
, then
the work of the whole
system follows the strategy of skipping the current rule, or otherwise the
derivation would be blocked.
As far as the end of the derivation is concerned, the
has to apply the rules in the form of
for all
the letters in the same derivation step, or
otherwise the derivation is blocked in the next step.
It can happen that the agent deletes
the end of the derivation but this fact does not allow any new
word to be generated, so we can safely assume that the deletion of
in the same derivation step as the rewritings
We have seen the other direction of the inclusion,
, which completes the proof of the lemma.height 5pt width 5pt depth 0pt
we obtain the
following theorem: