Combinatorial Optimization 2016

Combinatorial Optimization 2016

The homepage of the lecture: Course

Exam results (later): Results

The important dates about the course:
The lectures (all in Monday 12-14):
The exams:
03.24. 8:00 am (IB.026)
04.28. 8:00 am (CH.Max)
Re-take 05.09. 17:00

The grades will be calculated from the overall percentage of the written exams. (0-39: 1, 40-54: 2, 55-69: 3, 70-84: 4, 85-100: 5)
There are two midterm tests during the semester. The condition of completing the subject is a result of at least 40% on all midterm tests. There is a retake near the end of the semester where the students can retake one of the exams, but only if they have at least one succesful exam.

There will be homeworks in each week (the dedline is Sunday night). You have to send me your solution (not just answers) via email (you can type it, or make a photo of your solution). After I corrected your homeworks, each week I will send you new examples for the next week.

If you have any questions or comments please write me an email (cscsgy at gmail dot com).