Introduction to the Theory of Computing 2 (BMEVISZAA04)
Combinatorics and Graph Theory 1 (BMEVISZA025)

2025 Spring semester


Rita Csákány
Office hours: by arrangement

Lecture (common):
Monday, 14.15-16.00, IB026

ITC2:  Tuesday, 8:15-10:00, IB145, instructor:  Humara Khan (e-mail:
            Wednesday, 14.15-16.00,  IB139, instructor:  Rita Csákány
            Thursday, 12.15-14.00,  IB140, instructor:  Humara Khan
CGT1: Friday, 12.15-14.00,  H405A, instructor:  Rita Csákány

There will be one midterm during the semester, containing 6 questions worth 10 points each, and two possibilities to repeat it (you have to register in the neptun only for the second one).
To obtain a signature, students have to reach at least 40% on the midterm or on one of the retakes.
On the first retake students can repeat a midterm to improve their grade as well. In this case the points obtained on the retake are considered, regardless whether it is better or worse than that of the original midterm. The only exception is that a signature obtained cannot be lost by writing a bad retake.
The final exam will be oral.
The final grade will be based 40% on the points from the midterm and 60% on the oral exam.

Calculation of the final grade:
One can get at most 60 points on both the midterm and the exam. If one fails the exam, then the final grade is fail as well, otherwise
Final_points = 0,8*min(50,MT) + 1,2*min(50,OE).   (The points above 50 are important for Hungarians only.)
The final grade based on the final points is: 
0-39: fail, 40-54: pass, 55-69: satisfactory, 70-84: good, 85-100: excellent.

Midterm:  May 5, Monday (?)
First retake:  May 12, Monday  (?) 
Second retake: 


Some of the topics of the class

Online materials:
  • Graph Theory slides
  • R. Diestel: Graph Theory
  • Tero Harju: Lecture Notes on GRAPH THEORY

  • List of questions for the exam

    Midterms from previous years:

    2024: midterm,grading guide, repeat, grading guide, second repeat
    midterm, repeat, grading guide, second repeat
    2021: midterm, grading guide, repeat, grading guide, second repeat, grading guide
    midterm, grading guide, repeat, grading guide, second repeat, grading guide
    midterm, repeat, second repeat
    2018: midterm, repeat, second repeat
    first midterm, repeat, second repeat; second midterm, repeat, second repeat
    2016: first midterm, repeat, second repeat; second midterm, repeat, second repeat
    2015: first midterm, repeat, second repeat; second midterm, repeat, second repeat