


  1. Gyula Y. Katona, András Recski and Csaba Szabó: Introduction to Computer Science, Textbook, Typotex, Budapest (2002) 190 pages
  2. Gyula Y. Katona, András Recski: Introduction to Finite Mathematics University textbook, Eötvös L. University, Budapest (1993) 99 pages
  3. Gyula Y. Katona, András Recski: Combinatorics, Graph Theory and Algorithms, University textbook, Technical University of Budapest, (1993) 130 pages
  4. Gyula Y. Katona:  Searching for f-Hamiltonian cycles, Combinatorica 12 (2) (1992) pp 241-245. (impact factor: 0.370)
  5. Gyula Y. Katona:  Toughness and edge-toughness, Discrete Math. 164 (1-3) (1997) pp 187-196. (impact factor: 0.237)
  6. Gyula Y. Katona:  Edge disjoint Polyp Packing, Discrete Applied Mathematics 78 (1997) pp 133-152 (impact factor: 0.321)
  7. Gyula Y. Katona:  Vertex disjoint Polyp Packing, Annales Univ. Sci. Budapest., Sect. Comp. 21 (2002) pp. 81-118.
  8. Gyula Y. Katona:  Properties of edge-tough graphs, Graphs and Combinatorics 15 (3) (1999), pp. 205-212. (impact factor: 0.215)
  9. Gyula Y. Katona, Hal Kierstead: Hamiltonian chains in hypergraphs,  J. Graph Theory 30 (3) (1999) 6 pages (impact factor: 0.246)
  10. D. Bauer, G. Y. Katona, D. Kratsch and H. J. Veldman: $2$-factors in tough chordal graphs, Discrete Applied Mathematics 99 (2000) pp. 323-329. (impact factor: 0.321)
  11. Gyula Y. Katona:  A large set of non-hamiltonian graphs, Discrete Applied Mathematics 115(2001) pp 99-115.
  12.  M. Kano, Gyula Y. Katona:: Odd Subgraphs and Matchings, Discrete Mathematics 250 (2002)  pp. 265-272.
  13.  M. Kano, Gyula Y. Katona and Z. Király : Packing paths of length at least two, Discrete Mathematics 283 (2004) pp. 129-135. (impakt faktor: 0.237)
  14. Gyula Y. Katona: Hamiltonian chains in hypergraphs, A survey,   Graphs, Combinatorics, Algorithms and its Applications, (ed. S. Arumugam, B. D. Acharya, S. B. Rao), Narosa Publishing House 2004
  15. A. Dudek,  Gyula Y. Katona , P. A. Wojda: Hamiltonian Path Saturated Graphs with Small Size, Discrete Appl. Math. 154 (2006), no. 9, pp. 1372--1379 (impact factor: 0.585)
  16. M. Kano,  Gyula Y. Katona: Structure theorem and algorithm for (1,f)-factors,  Discrete Mathematics 307 (2007)  pp. 1404-1417 (impact factor: 0.346)
  17. F. Göring, Gyula Y. Katona: Local topological toughness  Graphs and Combinatorics 23 (4) (2007) pp. 387-399  (impact factor 0.23)
  18. P. Frankl, Gyula Y. Katona: k-edge-hamiltonian hypergraphs,  Discrete Mathematics 308 (2008) pp.  415-1424 (impact factor: 0.347)
  19. Gyula Y. Katona,  M. Kano, Jácint Szabó: Elementary  graphs with respect to (1,f)-odd factors, Graphs Combin. 25 no. 5 (2009) pp. 717–726
  20. A. Dudek, Gyula Y. Katona, A. Żak: Hamilton-chain saturated  hypergraphs, Discrete Math. 310 no. 6-7,  (2010) pp. 1172–1176

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