Instructions :
As of 6/15/97, this
Applet has been updated to include Heap Sort as one of the possible choices.
Note 1 : Providing the ability to go backwards over the sorting already done is primarily intended as an educational tool for students learning the details of the algorithm, and may be of limited use for this applet.
Note 2 : Using a browser on a machine that is relatively slow (e.g., a SPARC-5 70 MHz machine running Solaris 2.5.1 that we used) it is advisable to run the sorters in "Slow" mode and then adjust the speed to make it as fast as you want it. The reason for this is that when we ran the applet in "Fast" (">>") mode on this machine, the sorting was so fast that the display could not keep up with it and we did not see the iterations continuously, one after the other, but in increments of something like 4, which was not very appealing. Your own experience (on your own machine) may be different though!
A version of this applet in which you can control the INDIVIDUAL sorters
This page has been developed by Sandeep Mitra (
[Computer Science Department Home Page]
[Java Sorting Animation Main page]
Last change : June 15, 1997 /