By a DNA-like alphabet we mean an alphabet of symbols,
in the following form:
. We say that letters
complementary letters and we call
the alphabet
of purines of
is said to be the alphabet
of pyrimidines of
The complementary word of a string in
is obtained by replacing each
letter in
with its complementary letter and it is denoted by
The complementary word of the empty word is itself.
The morphism
, which
assigns to each
its complementary word,
is called the Watson-Crick
A standard Watson-Crick ET0L system is a construct
with the following properties.
is a DNA-like
is a finite set of tables over
, where each table
is a complete set of context-free rules over
is the axiom
), and
is a non-empty subset of
, the
terminal alphabet of the system.
The derivation step in a standard Watson-Crick ET0L system
defined as follows.
For two words,
we say that
directly derives
written as
, if the following holds:
for some
for every
furthermore, if
, then
for every
for every
In the latter case we say that a complementary transition takes place.
Thus, if in the string obtained by parallel derivation there are not more pyrimidines than purines, then the derivation continues in the usual manner, like in the case of ET0L systems. Otherwise, if the pyrimidines are in a strict majority in the word, then the derivation continues from the complementary word of the generated string.
We denote the
transitive and reflexive closure of
The generated language consists of those words over
which can be obtained from the axiom in some derivation steps:
If , that is, if there is only one table, then the system is
called a standard Watson-Crick E0L system.
In this case we use the notation
, for
being the unique table of the system.
If all the tables are deterministic, that is, there is exactly one rule for each letter in each table, then the system is called a standard Watson-Crick EDT0L system.
Now we present an example which illustrates the generative power of standard Watson-Crick Lindenmayer systems and shows how these systems work.
In this example we have a standard Watson-Crick
E0L system and we generate the language (the same as in Example 5.10)
, which is known not to be in ET0L
(see [Rozenberg and SalomaaRozenberg and
The form of the rules for the remaining letters of the alphabet
(i.e. the ones not mentioned in ) is not important because these
letters never occur in any derivation, but in order to have a
complete table we also put the rules
, for each
not mentioned above.
Now we explain how this standard Watson-Crick E0L system works.
First the system uses the rules
and derives a word in the form of
, where
If in the next step the system uses the rule
instead of the rule
, then there will be more
than purines in the sentential form, thus a complementary transition takes
place and we get the word
Here the system has to use the rules
and by them
a word is derived which consists of one sub-word
, and
, where
. The number
shows how many times the system used the rule
The order of the sub-words is not important, so
we can suppose that the word is in the form of
In this word the number of purines (which is
exceeds the number of pyrimidines
(which is
) by
In the following, the system uses the rules
and performs exactly
steps. In each step
new purines and
new pyrimidines are generated,
hence by the end of the
th derivation step
there are more pyrimidines than purines in the sentential form.
Therefore here a complementary transition takes place and we get the word
Here the system uses the rules
and derives the word
, where
It is clear that all the words in this form can be generated by
the system (the values of the parameters and
depend on the number
of steps the system makes at the beginning of the derivation and on the
number of positions it uses the rule
). It is also clear
that other words cannot be generated by this system, the derivations have
to follow the above line.